Monday, May 21, 2018


Oregon Muse writes at Ace of Spades,
"So, if you can believe the latest Rasmussen poll numbers, President Trump's approval rating is 50%. Now here is a curious thing. With all the viciously and relentlessly negative media coverage that Trump has received since his election, the deliberate non-coverage of anything positive he has done and the magnification of his every last miniscule fault and mistake, and you'd expect his job approval rating to be in the low 20's or maybe even the teens. That's obviously what the MSM would like to see, anyway. And yet it's at 50%. That's kind of amazing. Especially when you contrast this with all the fawning, dripping, slobbering coverage given to Obama, the constant fluffing, primping, pimping, and boosting, the forced applause given to his dubious achievements and the aggressive ignoring of his manifold failures, and yet his approval rating was 50% or below for most of the time he was in office. One can only speculate what this country would be like if the MSM had covered Obama like they're covering Trump, and Trump like they covered Obama."

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