Friday, May 25, 2018

A corrupt cabal!

Ed Henry picks up on something I have been noticing. The press has been having a great time talking about Trump's "failure" to get North Korea to stick with the June 12 meeting in Singapore. Now, North Korea says they still want that meeting! Meanwhile, the Pentagon is keeping the stick out there, saying they are ready for military action.

Just what I thought: Chinese seismologists assessed that the North Korean nuclear site was no longer stable. That has been my read: China put pressure on Kim to meet with Trump!
Meanwhile, we've given up nothing and we have gotten three hostages back.

Our defense budget is 25 to 30 times the entire gross domestic product of North Korea, which is less than the size of Honduras! Trump mentioned our $700,000,000,000 defense budget twice today in his press conference.

Trump's three preconditions: Military exercises with our South Korean and Japanese allies will continue, full, verifiable denuclearization, and the tough sanctions will continue!

The press and Democrats have defended MS-13, defended Hamas, and defended Kim Jong-un in the same month!

Either James Comey went rogue or Loretta Lynch approved it (spying on the Trump campaign).

Tammy Bruce: You stonewall when you want to hide something! Tammy also mentions the whistleblowers at the FBI who are asking to be subpoenaed, so they won't jeopardize their jobs and Congress would pay their legal bills.

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