Saturday, April 07, 2018

Will you stand up to the Leftist onslaught?

Ben Domenech writes at The Federalist,
If you have wrongthink, you will not be allowed for long to make your living within any space the left has determined they own – first the academy, then the media, then corporate America, and now the public square. You will bake the cake, you will use the proper pronoun, and you will never say that what Planned Parenthood does is murder for hire, and should be punished as such under the law.
Read more here.

Robert Zimmerman writes at Behind the Black,
...The problem however is not really the behavior of these oppressive leftists. The real problem is with the inability of Americans, both on the left and the right, to come to grips with this hateful subculture and its intolerant ways. People simple do not wish to believe that this subculture really and sincerely plans to do harm to its political opponents. They continue to view them as nothing more than another political movement expressing its opinions. Few are willing to admit that should these people take power, they truly plan to wield that power aggressively, and they will very likely follow the path of the leftists in Venezuela, who once they gained power quickly moved to suspend the rule of law so that they could rule unopposed.

Worse, these leftist fascists are not very far from obtaining such power, since in the past two years it appears that this violent subculture has wholly captured the Democratic Party.. While a decade ago that political party might have held back, fearful of a backlash should it take such radical positions, since Donald Trump’s election they have dropped their mask and have become as intolerant of opposition as the worst campus leftist bully. Kamala Harris is not an exception, she is now the rule.
Read more here.

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