Sunday, April 29, 2018

Who are these caravan people, and who is funding them? Turn back the caravan!

Sarah Hoyt writes in PJ Media about the caravan of Central Americans who are in Tijuana seeking asylum in the United States.
The truth of the matter is that Mexico might not be lending open support to this attempt to test US borders, but they are in fact lending it their support, by not arresting these illegal aliens on their soil (Mexico has much tougher immigration laws than ours) and not offering them asylum there. Instead, they let what must be a significant and large multitude continue towards the US border.

...They’re coming to test the “Trump administration’s tough rhetoric”. In effect, they’re coming to test our borders and our decision to uphold their integrity.

It shouldn’t need to be said, but I’ll say it: I am not against immigration. It would be stupid and weird for me to be against immigration, given that I’m an immigrant myself.

I am not, however, a believer in open borders. The whole open borders project is a weird project of intellectual elites who view themselves as the aristocrats of the world and all cultures similarly blighted and in need of their input. It was never realistic, and it is less realistic than ever for the US.

Because I am quite devoted to our founding principles and the liberty which they secure us, I don’t believe in immigration simply for economic necessity or to escape this or that. While those are valid motives to immigrate anywhere – including here – you should come here with the intention of becoming an American, or as my friend, Dave Freer, himself an immigrant to Australia, puts it, FIFO: Fit in or F**k off.

This “caravan” coming to “test” our borders is the very antithesis of FIFO, and in fact, if we do not find a way to turn it away, and ship these people back where they came from, we might as well consider our borders non-existent. And you know what you call a country with non-existent borders? Not a country. To study the fate of such a land, read up on the tragedy of the commons.

...Doubtless with the cooperation of local governments this was assembled by some international organization, like one of George Soros’ open borders fronts.

...There is no other reason for them to, determinedly and as a group, make to our border, past all the other countries they pass on the way. If their goal was simply to rebuild their lives anew, they could easily do so in Guatemala, or Mexico, countries where their native language is spoken, and where the culture is much easier for them to integrate into. And there is no way if someone weren’t paying for their expenses, they would be allowed to continue as a multitude, through places in Mexico that they must be eating out of all provisions and where they must be taking up every free room.

These are not desperate refugees, making for our border past all the other countries, looking for a place of safety. These are at best economic immigrants who have heard the streets are paved with gold here, and who don’t understand that our wealth comes from freedom and hard work. (To be fair, neither do our native leftists.) At worst, they’re people with shady pasts, recruited, encouraged and pushed by governments and organizations that don’t mean us well, to show that our borders are weak and that we’re ripe for increased invasion.

Even were they desperate refugees, I’d like to point out that one of the theories for the fall of Rome is that the Germanic tribes were pushed into Roman territory by the pressure of the Huns invading their borders. Just because they’re refugees from war and disorder, it doesn’t mean they won’t destroy your law, your order, your culture and your country. Just ask Germany, forced to cancel Oktoberfest in many cities, due to their vast numbers of “refugees” from countries that don’t understand the difference between a party and an occasion for rape.

The borders must be defended, or we will cease to exist as a country, and the haven of liberty, the place where your hard work pays off, that immigrants and real refugees have sought throughout the centuries will cease to exist.

Ignore leftists looking to establish a permanent vote-farm. Ignore soft-headed liberals atwitter with the plight of “refugees.” Ignore even softer headed bishops, who think “Latin America” means an increase of their parishioners.

We must turn away this cold and calculated attempt at invasion so that the Statue of Liberty can continue holding her torch beside the golden gate, and so that people in the future who want to be Americans and work at upholding our unique beliefs, will have a place to go.

Turn back the caravan.
Read more here.

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