Monday, April 30, 2018

White House Correspondents dinner plays into Trump's hands, Syria gets bombed big time, Kim Jong un to go the Qaddafi route?

Here is JJ Sefton's Morning Report at the Ace of Spades blog.
Good morning kids. The week begins and besides the completely revolting display with this Wolf dame at the White House Correspondents Dinner, more serious matters are making news on the international/foreign policy front, so let's lead off with those.

First, a reported Iranian base within Syria was rocked by powerful explosions which actually pinged seismographs. I'm assuming the Israelis or others conducted an air or missile strike and it cooked off an ammo dump of some kind. In any case, there's an interesting essay about the toxic shambles that is Syria - which is completely attributable to Obama and Hillary - and what our options are in dealing with the situation.

Meanwhile, as the President prepares for his summit with Whoa, Fat! NSA Advisor John Bolton is sounding the correct tone, insofar as if the NorKs really want peace and to denuclearize the Korean peninsula, they will have to go the route that Moammar Qaddafi did in Libya when he gave up his nuke program. And because it was so effective, it is sure to test the veracity of the NorK's pledges in this regard. Meanwhile, one positive sign from the tea leaves is the Chi-Coms announcing that the site where the NorKs test their nukes has completely collapsed and that radiation might be drifting northwards to their country. By going public with this, some experts are inferring that the Chi-Coms have had enough of their pudgy puppet and are in fact forcing him to shut down his nuke program. Interesting no matter how you slice it.

The political fallout from all of this is hitting closer to home where even Nancy Palsi has stated that depending upon what really happens, PDT would in fact deserve a Nobel Peace Prize, but I digress. On the heels of French prexy Macron's visit (see the link about him and his coddling of the Islamists), Angela Merkel came to town, also seeking to dissuade the President from backing out of the Iran Nuke Sellout Deal. What she got was PDT demanding Germany cough up a lot more money for its NATO commitment as well as a rebuke for our huge trade deficit with them (not altogether unrelated is the last link about the horrifyingly rapid rise of anti-Semitism in Deutschland with the influx of, you-know-what).

Closer to home, members of that migrant caravan are reportedly jumping the barriers at the US-Mexico border and entering the country while the Canadians suddenly are dealing with a massive influx of Nigerians evidently entering from our side of the border and seeking asylum, mostly due to the toughening of tourist visa requirements over the last 18 months.

On to politics where Maxine "Polluted" Waters keeps harping on impeachment despite Democrat big-wigs understanding the growing political toxicity of that message. With the midterms now six months out, the so-called Blue Wave is looking more and more like wish-casting. Hence the aforementioned plus red state Democrats reticent to go against PDT's nominees and also the complete collapse of the Mueller witch hunt (more on this in a moment). And aside from hammering away on Twitter, the President is now doing what he does best; hitting the road and meeting the people as he did at a combo pep/campaign-style rally in Michigan over the weekend. Also, the son of a postage stamp is giving everyone a case of the itches.

And speaking of the Mueller witch hunt, despite the Slim's Slimes hit piece on Devin Nunes, Clapper and Comey have exposed themselves to be liars and the Deep State embeds still burrowed into the FBI are stonewalling the release of the agency's communications with CrowdStrike, the cyber security firm charged with examining whitewashing the content of the DNC's servers central to the criminality of the Awans, Debbie Wasserman-Test and the Bollard.

On healthcare, we have some thoughtful pieces in the wake of the state-sanctioned murder of Alfie Evans (sadly, not a unique case in the UK) as well as Obamacare driving people to drink. Speaking of which, over the weekend, a friend mentioned to me that the President made an announcement at his Michigan rally about pushing for allowing the sale of insurance across state lines.

From hither and yon, what happened at the White House Correspondents Dinner speaks for itself. Interesting (read: disgusting) how the reporters were offended not by what belched out of the deviant-in-question's filthy sewer about Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but that what she said could be used as a political weapon by the President to bash them and fire up the base.

Lastly, a couple of pieces about anti-semitism; one about its rapid resurgence in Germany and one reflective of it here at home at an eatery in Oakland, California.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Go here to click on his links.

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