Monday, April 02, 2018

Where will they cross our border? Regaining mojo, What can Huber accomplish?

Here is JJ Sefton's morning report for today at Ace of Spades.
Good morning kids. Hope you had a blessed Easter, but it's the start of another week so let's dive in. Immigration is in the lead as we evidently have what is tantamount to Mexico officially interfering with our national security for directing over 1,500 Central American migrants to our border and facilitating their crossing of it. I assume this violates all sort of laws both domestically and internationally, as well as treaties and conventions, but like everything else these days, go tell it to the Marines. I don't know if they are all going to attempt to jump the border at one spot or if they will be spread out at the last minute, but if I were the President, I would be sending law enforcement or perhaps even military personnel to the points where these people are most likely to cross and turn them right around. And I would issue some form of public rebuke and stiff economic sanctions against Mexico for what amounts to a very dangerous stunt. I'll leave it to any experts in this area among the Horde to discuss and enlighten, as doubtless you will.

Meanwhile, in an effort to regain some of his mojo lost after signing the Omnibus bill last week (perceived or real), President Trump has officially dumped any deal regarding DACA, blaming Democrats for playing politics with the lives of these stateless persons residing on our soil. Meanwhile, Democrat Steve Cohen (who looks like Brad Sherman) thinks the President is bluffing on this. Yup. You go with that, Steve.

Moving on to Second Amendment news, now that we've had the Easter weekend to buffer the calls for Laura Ingraham's head, Ken Cuccinelli puts gun violence into proper perspective, who and what this Camera Hogg is all about (we already know, really but it's a good piece) and an interesting essay about the real nature of the Second Amendment; as a thought experiment I agree with it, but I would not want it tired in real life considering the nature of our government and too many in our society.

In Mueller witch hunt news, the appointment of John Huber by AG Lemmon 714 to investigate the FBI raises some questions of what he can really accomplish. Daniel Greenfield breaks down the Facebook/Cambridge Analytics "scandal" and as the Democrat-Left-Media complex insists on scraping Stormy Daniels' decolletage for PDT's DNA, 44 Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her bukkake creme-rinse curls let the Awans run wild with sensitive computer data without a background check. And the reaction is a yawn and an "Awan who?" from the press and at least a third of the nation. Disgusting.

Speaking of disgusting bodily fluids, in the wake of Hamas and Hezbollah attempting to create an incident on the Israeli border during Passover, Geraldo Rivera is bemoaning not supporting the Palestinians during one of their endless Intifadas. I look at that stooge and imagine him 50-odd years ago and what do I see? Camera Hogg.

On the international front, we have further confirmation that our short- and long-term global adversary (if not enemy) is the People's Republic of China. With this in mind, and considering the proposed summit between Whoa, Fat! and PDT, I am very relieved with the likes of Bolton, Pompeo, Haley and Haspel at the top of our foreign policy and national security team.

From hither and yon, the Brooklyn Museum is in deep doo-doo for having the gall to hire a white woman to curate an exhibit of African art, the great Shelby Steele bemoans American blacks' continued enslavement by the Sharptons of this world and lastly, my good friend Harry Stein's take on the new "Roseanne" show.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Go here to read the articles to which he links.

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