Thursday, April 05, 2018

Two guys who don't think much of Rosenstein or Mueller!

Did you catch Dershowitz and diGenova on Hannity last night? First, Dershowitz points out that there is no such federal crime as collusion! Prosecutors induce coverups. You can be indicted for perjury even if you tell the truth! If somebody contradicts you and the prosecutor believes that person, you are indicted for perjury for telling the truth!

Joe diGenova then attacks Rod Rosenstein: "His conduct from the beginning of this has been a disgrace! The conduct of Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein is unethical, unprofessional, an embarrassment to the United States government and is undermining equal enforcement of the law!"

Dershowitz agrees and says it is amazing that Rosenstein hasn't been recused, because he is the main witness on whether or not obstruction of justice occurred with the firing of Comey and he wrote the memo... (Hannity interrupts and Dershowitz never gets to finish his point).

Then diGenova jumps back in and asks what does Mueller want to question President Trump about? Trump has Article Two power to fire anyone he wants. It is a perjury trap! The Mueller investigation should end right now!"

Dershowitz warns that the Special Counsel has the power to put the president in front of a grand jury without a lawyer!

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