Sunday, April 08, 2018

True science is the explanation of how God did it!

Did you know Jeff Foxworthy co-leads a Bible study every Tuesday at a homeless mission in Atlanta? The Devil always makes it look good, so our choice is between best and good. With that in mind, Jeff asks Dennis and Ravi each to say what are some of the biggest lies that our culture tells us today.

Ravi answered: A media person asked Tiger Woods, "How could you lie to so many for so long?" Tiger answered, "because I first lied to myself." Ravi would have liked to have asked Tiger, "What did you lie to yourself about?" Chesterton said, "whenever you remove any fence, always pause long enough to ask why it was put there in the first place." Pleasure without God, without sacred boundaries, will actually leave you emptier than before."

Dennis said we live in the age of lies. One lie is that America is a racist society. America is the least racist society in history. There is no wisdom, because people go to graduate school! You become less wise the more education you get!

The other great lie is that we could do without God; that we could have meaning without God, that we can do morally without God, have happiness without God. The 20th century was the most genocidal century. The government of China killed 65 million civilians. Secular governments have slaughtered and enslaved more than any religion!

Jeff asks, "Have religious people contributed to the problems we are having in our country? Dennis says, "Sure!" Dennis loves asking religious people, "What's the greatest sin in your religion?" A rabbi will answer, "Doing evil in God's name." Nobody makes the case for atheism better than the person who commits evil in the name of God. Nobody makes the case for God better than the person who does beautiful things in God's name!

Did you know that Mahatma Ghandi always carried the Bible with him and quoted frequently from the Sermon on the Mount?

Jeff read a devotional this morning that said, "Anxiety is contemplating your future without putting God in it." Is there hope? Ravi answers, "Truth undergirded by love, courtesy and grace. Don't underestimate the hunger and the genuine seeking heart of our young people."

Is there hope? Are you rooting for evidence, or are you listening to evidence? Do you go where the evidence serves your bias?

Scientific atheism is a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt.

True science is the explanation of how God did it!

What is truth? Ravi: That which corresponds to reality and is coherent. Logically consistent, empirically adequate, experientially relevant, deals with the four questions of life: origin, meaning, morality, and destiny.

Dennis: Lies are the root of evil more than any other of the sins that we commit. Lies created Auschwitz, slavery. People who believe lies don't know they are doing evil. Christians are lied about in America all the time. All the people who run Salem Radio are evangelical Christians. Secular Leftists live in a hermetically sealed world, and accuse Christians of doing that. They won't hear somebody else.

Jeff said that when he was younger the main fear people had was public speaking. Now the number one fear of young people is living a life without meaning. Love truth. Embrace it! Cling to it!

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