Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Witch Hunt

Senator Grassley has faith in Mueller. How long has Grassley been in the swamp?

Congressman DiSantos running for Florida Governor. He and his colleagues in Congress have been asking to see the two-page document that kicked off the so-called collusion investigation. The DOJ has stalled for months and months. DiSantos is ready to hold them in contempt.

Lou Dobbs gets it, and he does not hold back!

Greg Jarrett says Bill Clinton made $105 million from foreign countries during the time Hillary was Secretary of State.

Huge breakthrough with China today as their President Xi makes concessions on American cars and intellectual property.

Victor Davis Hanson compares Mueller to Berea under Stalin who said, "Give me the person and I'll find the crime!" Attorney-client privilege doesn't exist with Trump and Cohen, according to Mueller, but it surely did with Cheryl Mills and Hillary Clinton. Mueller ignores the host of Clinton miscreants because Trump is his whale and he can't let go (Captain Ahab and the Whale). Lou: the Republican Party leadership hasn't got the guts to stand up and say, "enough!"

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