Wednesday, April 25, 2018

"The real fight for the future of this nation is in the classroom, for the hearts and minds of our children."

JJ Sefton summarizes his links for us at Ace of Spades.

Good morning kids. Here we are again with your midweek news aggravation and in the lead, I'd thought I'd highlight a story that has been completely embargoed by the Democrat-Leftist-Media complex. FEC records show that the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and the DNC conspired to launder $84 million in campaign funds in order to purposely hide donations far in excess of the legal limits for individual donors. The stunning thing about this whole thing is just the brazen way in which they (the Clintons, Democrats and Media) just pull this crap like it's just another day at the office. And then they have the utterly unmitigated temerity to file a RICO lawsuit against the Trump campaign and Russia in order to quadruple down on the patently risible fantasy that they somehow stole the 2016 election. Meh, I guess what's surprising is that they are so utterly full of themselves and think themselves so completely insulated from accountability that they may have just exposed themselves to one hell of an "enlightening" discovery process. I suppose it's tiring to keep on saying that there isn't a punishment severe enough for Hillary Clinton and everyone and everything associated with her. More importantly, America dodged a coup de grace by electing Donald Trump.

Beyond that, in the Mueller witch hunt category, the esteemed Jeffrey Lord has rather a novel idea vis a vis the chutz-pocrisy of the Media dragging Sean Hannity's name through the mud.

On the immigration front, yet another rogue jurist has decreed from on high that President Trump must restart Obama's illegal DACA program, PDT's own executive order ending it be damned. Break up the friggin' judiciary; it's just one more tiny time pill in the slow release poison capsule that is breaking the nation apart. That is a shout-out to the boss' excellent essay from last night about the growing likelihood of a national divorce, so go read it if you have not already. And in related news, see the latest link about the green-lighting of a California secession petition.

On the international scene, while PDT and Emmanuel Macron seem to be hitting it off, one area of tension is the Iran Nuke Deal Sellout. Macron is lobbying hard for America to keep it despite all indications that PDT is going to scrap it when it comes up for review in the next few weeks. And as reported yesterday, the Farsis have threatened PDT if he pulls out while the President countered with a threat of serious consequences should they ramp up their nuke program. And linked below, administration officials and other political leaders are outraged that there is a loophole allowing Iran to continue developing ballistic missiles. Deep State's gonna Deep, but that has got to be stopped.

Also, Mutti Merkel is headed our way and that meeting is not going to be as pleasant as with Macron. In any case, the President's nominee to be ambassador to Deutschland is finally coming to a vote thanks to Mitch McKochbrother breaking through the filibuster (more on this later), and that was a source of tension, minor all other things considered, between the Yanks and the Krauts. And as reported yesterday here and expanded on by Ace, Luap the Lesser is suddenly PDT's pal on foreign policy. I think his shift on Pompeo was grandstanding/backtracking/face-saving all in one, but whatever it takes I guess to move things along.

On to politics where the Democrats were hoping to continue their winning streak in GOP districts, but they were stopped cold yesterday in AZ-8. The media is strangely silent. Suddenly. Daniel Greenfield brings some insights into the Dem's Joo-hate problem although with their sister Working Families Party, it's a feature, not a bug. And as Bernardo Sandersnista goes all in for universal work as an item on the party's agenda, Finland has finally come to its senses (read: licked its wounds) and scrapped their experiment with it. Now Lefties, remember: Scandinavia is the ideal by which America should aspire to! /sarc.

And as that insanity plays out, Nancy Palsi is sputtering on about how when the Dems take over Congress, they will immediately push for Amnesty and Gun Control. If you make that into a TV ad, along with Howard "the lipless wonder" Dean's "swastika-burning" deplorable schtick, there's no way the GOP can lose in November even if they ran an entire slate of Todd Akins and Christine O'Donnells. That said, it would be kind of nice if the GOP started shouting from the rooftops about the economy, stupid. Even the totally partisan "nonpartisan" CBO just released that GDP is at a 15-year high, and, to counter Nancy Schmancy's tired old lie about the 1%, it turns out that "the rich" are going to pay quite a bit in taxes even with the PDT tax plan. In fact, one student at Georgetown U confronted the shambling, stuttering bag o'botox about her "crumbs" smear and she stammered her "1 percenter" lie. Too bad the kid didn't counter with the truth that the top 1% pay about 12-15% of all Federal taxes and IIRC the top 25% pay well over half. I have to look up that figure and tattoo it on my brain because the bottom 50% pay ZERO federal taxes. But I digress...

On the terrorism front, the Slimes issued a retraction and was forced to admit that families of terrorists do in fact get paid by the Palestinian Authority. And there is some disturbing news coming to light about the Toronto fiend who mowed down 10 people with a truck.

From hither and yon, the bloated, evil blivit from Fresno State ain't going nowhere, Joy Reid's (who?) defense that her social media account was hacked is falling apart, Memories Pizza has quietly closed its doors thanks to the SJW smear campaign, police have arrested the gunman who shot and wounded two Dallas cops (no word on if the shooter is a citizen or not) and take a look at this filthy bastard teaching our children in Arizona. Aside from the fact that he bears an uncanny resemblance to Camera Hogg, it underscores where the real fight for the future of this nation is - in the classroom, for the hearts and minds of our children. All the marbles, baby.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Go here to click on his links.

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