Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The quiet desperation of Leftism

"You can ignore politics, but politics won't ignore you." Comedian Owen Benjamin suggested that perhaps it is not a good idea for a toddler to be pumped full of hormones for a sex change. As a result he lost his agent he had had for twelve years and became an internet sensation. He also says men and women are different, which, of course, is now hate speech. Owen has been banned permanently from Twitter. "Apparently I am worse than ISIS and Farakkhan!"

Conservatives are the only ones having fun now. Owen calls it the Devil's deal: You get the fame, I get the joy.

"They call me a right wing radical now. Why, because I give props to my mom?"

What got him in trouble with Twitter was that he did not think David Hogg should be able to tell grown men what guns they are allowed to have, because Hogg has not physically matured (those were not the words he used). It is a cultural battle, and it is why Trump got elected.

Everyone is making fun of Christianity, but not Islam?

Trump is very good at being alpha. Some guys have a problem with that. When you suppress who you are, it comeback with a vengeance! Owen gives the example of feminists supporting Islamists.

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