Thursday, April 12, 2018

The media needed the raid, the media does not need the content.

The premier investigator on the FISA abuse and FBI and DOJ corruption is Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse. He gives an overview of the investigation and then tells us what he really thinks as follows.
So with all of that said, there exist a multitude of motives for the “small group”, and those who support the “small group” to oppose President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen. Consider the bigger picture behind their prior activity, engagements and motives therein. In the aggregate they have not been challenged, stopped or blocked; and as a result all of those ideological allies have nothing to lose.

Adding fuel to the multidimensional motive, the U.S. media apparatus, writ large, is in alignment with the “small group” objectives.

The evidence of the media motive surfaces amid dozens of leaks surrounding the FBI raid against Michael Cohen. From those leaks hundreds of stories are being written regardless of accuracy. What each of those stories has in common is the baseline that the FBI took information from the raid. This is the critical point to understand.

The actual content recovered from the FBI raid is irrelevant. What the media needed was the raid itself. The raid presents the factual cornerstone of every written article – from which any false assertion can be made about the content. The media needed the raid, the media does not need the content. See how that works? We are seeing this now in hundreds of articles based on anonymous sources who frame the narrative of content.

Accepting this reality we discover the big picture “small group” motive. That motive facilitated by those same ideological allies who conducted the 2016 campaign against the candidacy of their enemy, Donald Trump.

Now, there may be voices who have yet to understand the full scope of just how badly the DOJ and FBI is corrupted by politics. There are still some voices, co-dependents in their own abuse, who don’t understand or have forgotten the recent political history of the FBI and DOJ as it relates to other matters of ideological opposition.

Those co-dependent voices seem to overlook, or forget, a recent Federal Judge dismissing the entire case against the Bundy family because of gross DOJ misconduct:

U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the charges against the four men “with prejudice,” meaning they cannot face trial again. She said a new trial would not be sufficient to address the problems in the case. A federal judge on Monday said the federal prosecutors’ conduct was “outrageous” and “violated due process rights” of the defendants. (link)

Those co-dependent voices seem to overlook, or forget, a stunning rebuke of ALL DOJ attorneys in the DAPA case as outlined in a judicial ruling by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen:

“The United States Department of Justice (“DOJ” or “Justice Department”) has now admitted making statements that clearly did not match the facts. It has admitted that the lawyers who made these statements had knowledge of the truth when they made these misstatements. The DOJ’s only explanation has been that its lawyers either “lost focus” or that the “fact[s] receded in memory or awareness.” [Doc. No. 242 at 18]. 2 These misrepresentations were made on multiple occasions starting with the very first hearing this Court held. This Court would be remiss if it left such unseemly and unprofessional conduct unaddressed. 3 (read 28-page ruling)

So… it’s not a matter of ‘if’ the DOJ was/is a corrupt organization, entirely infected by political ideologues at almost every level, that troubling reality exists; it is a fact supported by those who should know best – federal judges who see the gross ideological corruption.

The FBI is structurally broken. The organization is fractured beyond repair by political ideologues who operate at all levels. It does no good to continue looking at the situation through a false prism. Facts, evidence and actual behavior must be accepted.

FBI agents who were doing an honest job would not be conducting secret activities, falsifying evidence to FISA Courts, engaging in unlawful FISA-702 searches and shaping their investigations based on their sentiments toward the targets therein. That’s just a fact; and it doesn’t take your accepting it, to change the truth of it.

Unfortunately the oft-used “we support the field agents, and are not talking about the FBI people in the various field offices etc.” is a bunch of co-dependent enabling of our abusers. It is simply a bunch of hogwash feel-good double-speak; it’s also entire false.

Ask the Parkland, Florida parents about the Miami FBI field office and their opinion therein. Ask the families of the Orlando Pulse nightclub victims about their opinion of the Orlando FBI field office. Ask the families in/around San Bernardino, California how they feel about their local FBI field office. Ask Garland, Texas. Ask, runners in/around Boston, Massachusetts, how they feel about the FBI local field office.

You see, just like the DOJ from Oregon to Texas, the FBI issues are not limited to the offices in Washington DC.

So yeah, the FBI raid on Michael Cohen’s home, office and apartment in New York is just as connected to the systemic ideological enterprises that exist in all manner of other DOJ and FBI examples. The intents are entirely political and the outcome therein is entirely predictable.

If anyone from the FBI or DOJ want to prove me wrong. Please; go ahead. You don’t have to do much to prove it. I’ll accept the absence of Michael Cohen leaks and media stories as evidence of your commitment therein. However, I won’t be holding my breath.
Read more here.

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