Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Left owns the narrative, but we can get it back!

The Left gives us a narrative we are supposed to follow. The Left owns the narrative, and conservatives don't seem to care. Instead of giving a politician 100,000 dollars, buy a woman's magazine or some other item that influences people.

7% of journalists identify as Republicans. 28% identify as Democrats. The rest are lying, and are Democrats! Fox News gets one tenth the audience as the networks.

40,000 people a year die in cars. The death the other day on Southwest was the first fatlity in a commercial airplane since 2009.

Andrew talks about the availability heuristic. Under the availability heuristic, people tend to heavily weigh their judgments toward more recent information, making new opinions biased toward that latest news. People who believe that America is racist vote for Democrats. 78& of Democrats believe America is racist. Democrats run the news industry. Your mind is shaped by the ideas that are available to you.

Did conservatives kill JFK, as Kevin Costner asserts in the movie JFK, or was it a loony tunes communist named Lee Harvey Oswald who was afraid JFK would go after Castro, so he assassinated him? Hollywood continues to solidify the narrative and Kevin Costner is the hero in the movie. In real life the court hearing depicted in the movie was over in an hour and the case was thrown out.

During the war on terror Hollywood made one anti-war movie after another and few people watched the movies. Then Clint Eastwood made American Sniper and people showed up for it in droves, because our guys were the good guys.

Hollywood made a movie about the Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame issue called Fair Game. Life is short, art is long. The Left owns the narrative. We are all living in Truman's world (the Jim Carrey movie).

The Left uses language to demonize normal human life. The objectification of women: what does that mean? It means men like to look at women! Racial profiling. Cultural appropriation is one of the best things about America! Come into our country (legally), adopt our creed, bring the spaghetti!

The Left believes there is no moral reality. So, if you win the narrative, you win the eorld. This is why they shout at you when you say boys and girls (and men and women) are different.

The inner world has to be aligned with the real world. That's what stories are for. The truth will set you free, but you gotta know how to tell it!

Questions and answers session:

Which is your best life? To be a victim? You hurt me, now give me money! Or is your best life to walk in tall and compete?

It is conservatives' fault that the Left controls the narrative. We let Hollywood go, we let the universities go, we let the news business go, and we should take it back!

How to fight against Leftist slurs and attempts to demonize Right wing outlets like Fox News. The Left have colonized manners, so that it has become impolite to speak simple truths. You've got to fight back, like Trump did to CNN.

If you are going to talk politics with your friends who are on the left, talk principles. Talk about freedom and how to preserve it. Talk about what happens in communist countries and socialist countries. Why the ideas don't work. Talk about what you are for, not what you are against. We are all against people doing bad things.

Andrew's favorite living writer is Tom Stoppard. Hollywood was built by a certain generation of mostly Jewish immigrants. They loved this country, because they knew what was happening elsewhere. Their liberalism was: include us, let us be part of you. That studio system was destroyed as the 60s came in. The artists were all radicalized, drug users, experimenting with the new sexual freedom. Once entrenched, they keep people out. The blacklists of the 50s is nothing compared with what they do to Christians and conservatives today!

Those of us who can't afford bodyguards with guns, need guns!

Every age has its art form. The secret to improving relations between the Left and Right is humor and satire. It is easy to make fun of stupid ideas.

Should I speak up? Yes, kindly, politely, decently, civilly. Will it cost you? Yes. Choose your fights. Don't ever smile and pretend you agree. Once you do that, they own you. Do right, fear nothing!

Fake news was a campaign started on the left. It's purpose was to encourage censorship of conservative views by the tech titans. Why don't we build our own platforms? Not conservative platforms, open platforms! Belief in debate, in free speech. Not shutting people down. How America is done!

Barack Obama was a pastmaster at using race to shut people up. The Left calls itself progressive, but everything they do is regressive, divisive.

Every person who asked a question was male!

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