Sunday, April 01, 2018

"The guilty get away!"

Darrel Issa believes Jeff Sessions has credibility, not trying to quickly scapegoat someone, but looking for the truth.

"Remember, Eric Holder lied to Congress, withheld documents, and was the first Cabinet officer ever to be held in contempt of Congress!" Has he or James Clapper been held accountable for their crimes? No!

There was only one passing of money to the Russians: Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid for the dossier used to wiretap officials of the Trump campaign.

Issa and Maria agree that when Congressional committees request documents from federal bureaucrats, those documents should be sent unredacted to the committees!

Nixon was held accountable in a matter of months, not decades as it has now been with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the IRS scandal.

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