Monday, April 02, 2018

The entrenchment of a bureaucratic apparatus, Rotherham indifference, Mark's lawsuit is over!

John Brennan is supposed to be a civil servant, not someone who uses secrets to threaten people, as he just did to President Trump. These are the same useless twerps who couldn't do a thing when Russia warned them in advance of the Boston Marathon terrorist.

Mark talks about his trip to Rotherham, England to meet some of the girls (young women now) who had been raped by the migrant hordes. The young women told Mark of the appalling indifference of the social workers and foster parents. One social worker confiscated a girl's passport. The police, social services, politicians turned a blind eye to it for years and continue to turn a blind eye to it.

At the very end of this broadcast, Mark drops a bombshell: His years-long lawsuit is over! He does not say one word about it, except to mention that he has extra spring in his step! I Googled it, but there is nothing recent.

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