Monday, April 16, 2018

The Clinton landslide, Sabotaging the president, Aftermath of the missile strikes, Blocking Pompeo

Here is JJ Sefton's Morning Report for 4-16-18 from the Ace of Spades blog.

Good morning kids. Start of a new week and first up is the ridiculous spectacle of crooked cop and serial liar James Comey sitting down with pint-sized journalist Clinton hatchet man George Stephanopoulos for an interview, coming on the heels of the former's blockbuster tell-all book (/sarc). The reaction to Comey and his book has been lukewarm at best within Democrat-Left-Media complex circles. In fact, Loretta Lynch is firing back from under the bus where Comey threw her, and Clinton friend and Stephanopoulos colleague Lanny Davis is ripping him a new one. The official story is that they are enraged about his reopening of the investigation into Hillary's e-mail server just a week before the election. They're not necessarily pissed because they thought it was a bombshell of an October surprise (though it didn't exactly help her, did it?) since everyone thought she was going to win in a landslide. As did Comey since he has openly admitted that the reason he did so was as a pretext to clear her before her coronation since an investigation afterward would taint (phrasing) her mercifully never-to-be administration.

The reason for the animus, I think, is that the demonstrably false allegations and criminal behavior of one of the nation's top law enforcement officers and the agency that until recently has had an almost mythical (and undeserved) reputation for integrity has put Robert Mueller and the "Russian collusion" investigation into a truly horrible light. Probably the nail in its coffin, though it won't stop Mueller from going after the President and anyone associated with him over anything and everything just to sabotage him any way they can, but I digress. In any case, as evidenced by last week's Rasmussen poll, a large majority of Americans now believe the investigation into the President is (as we here have known all along) a politically motivated witch hunt. And for Comey to come out with a screed and an interview on national TV that pretty much confirms it , the knives are out for him. The question still remains as to whether or not Mueller and/ Rosensteinpenis will be fired. I say, leave them right where they are. No need to turn them into martyrs when the public sees them as the bad guys, especially before the midterms.

On to foreign policy and the aftermath of the missile strikes at Syrian CW facilities. On the positive side, Assad's chemical warfare research and manufacturing sites were obliterated and that is a good thing, not just because it prevents him from using them on his own civilians but it prevents them and perhaps other, more deadly chemical or nerve agents from falling into the wrong hands and being used in, say, the New York subway or the Mall of America. Tactically, contrary to Russky propaganda claims, the DoD says none of their missiles were shot down and all hit their targets. Russia's vaunted SA-300 and 400 surface-to-air missiles were either ineffective or not in use; analysis is that they did not want to turn on the radar in fear of revealing how they operate. In any case, the strikes send a message to Russia, Iran as well as the NorKs and Chi-Coms and it was a reset of Obama's absolutely disastrous "red-line" fiasco and general torching of the Middle East during his 8 year Reign of Error.

That said, Syria for all intents and purposes is a failed state (thank you, Obama) and there are no good players there that deserve American boots on the ground. Even the Kurds, although I support the idea of supporting them politically in cleaving off the northern part of that country as well as the eastern party of Turkey and their area of Iraq for an independent Kurdistan. And speaking of Turkey, the sooner they are booted out of NATO and Erdogan marginalized, the better. Syria is a dangerous quagmire. Best avoided but dealt with firmly as and when needed.

Back at home, it looks like Rand Paul Luap the Lesser might be joining with the Democrats to torpedo Mike Pompeo's nomination for CIA chief secretary of state (corrected) despite his qualifications, temperament and class. Closeted homosexual and bust out grandstanding jerk Cory Booker was praised by unindicted terrorism co-conspirators CAIR for opposing Pompeo for his truthful remarks about Islam. Funny, though, is that there has been no comment by CAIR on Booker's defense of homosexuals. Hmmm. In any case, even if Rand does torpedo the nomination, McConnell can theoretically bring Pompeo up for a floor vote. Then again, McConnell.

On a positive note, two judges on the SCOTUS shortlist have been nominated for lower court benches and the red tape keeps getting ripped out. On the gun front, the NRA is announcing an ambitious (and considering today's climate, highly attainable goal) of 100,000 new members in 100 days, and hallelujah Wells Fargo. Evidently, they like what we call in the trade "turning a profit."

From hither and yon, a homosexual civil rights attorney doused himself with gasoline and immolated himself because no one was taking so-called "global warming" seriously. When we say liberalism is a mental disorder, here's your proof. Sheesh. Former first lady Barbara Bush is in failing health so, politics aside, prayers up for the family as they cope, and we note (in the sidebar) with sadness the passing of R. Lee Ermey at 74, immortalized on screen as the terrifying Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann from "Full Metal Jacket." Thanks for your service, sir, godspeed and "oo-rah!"
Go here to click on his links.

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