Monday, April 09, 2018

Suspected chemical attack on Syrian children and women, Mueller going after Trump's longtime personal attorney, Hero student leaves Parkland hospital, London bans knives on the street

The lead story: Syria poisoning women and children. What will Trump do? Israel has already acted.

John Roberts reports that the FBI not only raided Michael Cohen's office, but also his apartment and a hotel room where he has been staying. Cohen is Trump's longtime personal attorney.

Kimberley blasts Parkland Sheriff Scott Israel. She is astonished that he still has his job. A student who saved at least twenty other students was released from the hospital today and though he was too weak to talk, an attorney spoke for him, blasting Sheriff Israel and other authorities. The young man came to America from Venezuela!

UK has a problem with organized gangs and lousy sentencing, just like America. The mayor of London has banned knives on the street. He says anyone carrying a knife will be caught! How? Greg suggests they should consider arming the cops! Kimberley says the UK officials are missing the point by focusing on the weapon.

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