Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Silencing anyone who does not believe what the activists are pushing, Why believe in God?

Andrew explains how the Left is going after EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, who has been doing an excellent job turning around that agency.

Fascism: where the government tells businesses how they are to be run. Communism: the government just takes over the business.

Gay people. Gay activists. Feminists. Women. Black people. Black activists. These things are not the same! Gay activists do not represent all gays. Feminists do not represent all women. Black activists do not represent all blacks!Leftists want to silence anyone who does not believe in what the activists are pushing!

Why believe in God? Same reason you believe in gravity. God is real, and your life will go a lot better if you believe in Him! The difference is that you can immediately test gravity by jumping off of a cliff. It takes a little longer to see what God has done in your life. Life has to be lived forward, but it can only be understood backward. How can we understand how God is working in our lives? Through prayer! Find a place where you can be alone. Find a place where you can talk out loud to God. Don't try to trick God by telling Him how pious you are. Be honest and blunt about the things that are bothering you, the things you want in life, the things that trouble you about yourself, the things that trouble you about the world.

You have to choose virtue. Train your heart to love virtue. God wants me to be free to choose my way.

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