Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sabo banned from Twitter

Sabo, the wonderful street artist in California, has been banned from Twitter. He is interviewed on PJ Media.
PJM: What are your thoughts on big tech censorship of conservative voices? What is the cure? Regulation? New platforms?

Sabo: I think it's very sad and scary. I could see the Christian Coalition from the '80s pulling this, but the Left? I thought they were the ones who fought for free speech and the individuals' right to speak their minds. Guess not! How they can't take a step back and see what they've become is beyond me. If Leftists have proven anything [it's that] there's no end to their demands. They just keep getting weirder and weirder every year.

I don't believe in regulation. I've worked in the startups. They don't last. They never do even when they fly straight. Acting the way Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter do, they'll be things of the past sooner than later. Then we'll start using other platforms. I'd say I'd hope they'd of learned something from this, but they won't. A Leftist is a Leftist is a Leftist. They never learn. I'll just jump around and use what I can while I can I guess.
Read more here.

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