Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ryan exits, debt soars, tracking users even after they log off Facebook, media peddling hysteria

Paul Ryan announces that he is leaving at the end of the year. The debt continues to soar. What did he do about it? Who really wants to do something about entitlements? Nobody who is receiving an entitlement! Ryan wanted to cut back the retirement age for Social Security a few years since people are living longer.

Zuckerberg is a B.S. artist. The only reason he was called to testify was that Donald Trump won the election and the Big State doesn't like it.

Senator Wicker asks if Facebook can track users even after the user has logged off Facebook. Zuckerberg does not deny it but obfuscates.

Andrew wonders why the right does not build its own platform. The answer? It is the elites who do these platforms. They do not want to cede power!

Andrew shows how the media peddle their own hysteria.

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