Sunday, April 15, 2018

Restoring deterrence, Moving back to the center, While the elitist Progressive cashes in

The Democratic Party imploded under the eight years of Obama. On top of that, Victor Davis Hanson believes they are making the same mistake they made in 1972 when they nominated the farthest Left candidate, George McGovern. Instead of admitting that they should have stressed economic issues and gone more to states like Wisconsin and Pennslylvania, their DNC leadership with Ellison and Perez is whacko Left and their leaders in Congress are geriatric.

Trump is trying to deter our enemies. The last eight years were an aberration. States that were weaker than the US convinced themselves that they were not weaker. Trump is giving the message: "Please dont be provocative any more. It will end badly for you."

Hanson believes, like Reagan's corrective to Carter, we'll be okay.

Democrats have been getting their ideas from on high in the media. Bannon was correct when he said, "there are Republicans and there is the media party."

Meanwhile, people were starved for candor and bluntness. It is very hard to restore deterrence and get back to the center.

Obama was the first president in history never to achieve 2% growth in eight years. He doubled the debt.

Now, though a "progressive," Obama has the elitist cash-in attitude like Clinton.

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