Friday, April 27, 2018

"Resistance," "fascism," "racism," "injustice:" Where have we heard those words before?

On tonight's program, Terry Turchie is a former FBI agent who believes the radicals of the 60s are now entrenched in the Washington bureaucracies. Bill Ayres talked and wrote about the concepts we are hearing today: The chief strategy for infiltrating the government was called "The Resistance" by Ayres and his comrades in the 60s; they also used words like fascism, racism, injustice. The words are back. The people that are using them are in a political party, trying to influence all of us to be attracted to the ideas of socialism and our intelligence agencies under Obama seem to have been part of that.

Thomas Homan is Deputy ICE Director. The caravan of Central Americans seeking asylum have been traveling through Mexico for weeks and are now on the US border. If they were seeking asylum, why didn't they seek asylum in Mexico? Last year we had a 45-year low in illegal immigration but now the smugglers have figured out how to train people what to say. Homan is trying to get Congress to close the loopholes.

Univision has a reporter embedded with the cravan. A Univision anchor appeared as a guest and chided Tucker for asking why the Central Americans were not seeking asylum in Mexico. "Mexico had 26,000 murders last year! But Mexico is not a poor country; it is the tenth largest economy in the world. They come here because the US is saying to Mexicans, "Help Wanted!" The US economy is dependent on cheap labor!

New York Times reporter Amy Chozick was the next guest. She is a New York Times reporter, so therefore was a Hillary supporter. She has written a book about Hillary, whom she has been covering for many years. "There is no grey area with Hillary Clinton. You are either completely devoted to her or you are regarded as an enemy." Chelsea is mad at Amy and has been tweeting her anger at Amy's reporting.

Cathy Areu is a supporter and advocate of "cry closets" to help college kids cope with stress. Google has created similar environments for their employees to let off steam.

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