Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Pretending to be a stand up guy and claim he wants to fix things: It's tee shirt day in Congress!

Ace of Spades has this to say as Zuckerberg prepares to testify.
Zuckerberg is set to pretend to be a stand-up guy and claim he wants to fix things.

Ahead of the hearing, Zuckerberg posted on Facebook: "In an hour I'm going to testify in front of the Senate about how Facebook needs to take a broader view of our responsibility -- not just to build tools, but to make sure those tools are used for good."
Make sure our surveillance tools are "used for good." Fuck you, douchebag.

While Zuckerberg is willing to confess that FaceBook did not properly respond to Cambridge Analytica's data scraping from 2013 to 2015, he fails to note a period of time when a winning political candidate mined FaceBook for personal data with which to target voters: 2008-2012.

I wonder who was data-mining FaceBook user data then, with FaceBook's permission.

I'd like to say I expect Republicans to ask him about this curious omission, but I've come to expect very, very little from them.

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