Friday, April 06, 2018

Patrolling the public for wrongthink; Why corporations sell their souls to the Left

Ace of Spades writes that the Left
is wildly successful at turning corporations into their willing prison guards patrolling the public for wrongthink. Good Little Corporate "Conservatives still just sniff "But that's not who we are," and content themselves, as usual, to lose with dignity.

...Meanwhile, Americans throughout the country are fired, demoted, or browbeaten by #Woke Human Resources departments into parroting the leftist cultural line.

Now, most corporations aren't political as far as their corporate charter goes, and therefore have no stated interest in pursuing a policy of political censorship on their employees.

Their real interest in imposing political censorship on their employees is that they know that the left will punish them if they do not, and the right is not going to say anything either way (they will sniff that it's no one's business what another man does with his business, even if that means he is whipsawed into becoming the left's catspaw for political pressure of everyday citizens).

Thus, they do wind up having a business interest in being an explicitly leftwing company: Defying the left would cost them in terms of coordinated negative public relations campaigns and boycotts, and crossing the right costs them not one slim dime, because on the right, it's considered uncouth to even criticize a business for turning into a bullyboy for the left, and so of course they take the path of least resistance.

As anyone in their situation would.
Then Ace goes off on a rant about the reaction of #NeverTrumpers to Atlantic's firing of Kevin Williamson.
Read more here

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