Monday, April 09, 2018

Morning Report

Before giving us stories to click on, JJ Sefton gives us his morning report introduction to his links.
Good morning kids. Another week begins and the top story this Monday is the President's tough talk against Russia and Iran in the wake of Baashir Assad's use of chemical weapons against rebels in Syria's ongoing bloody civil war. On the one hand, I think the President is absolutely correct in condemning Assad and by extension the Russians and Iranians who are his puppet masters. On a strategic level, Syria's strategic position and the fact that Iran seeks to turn it into another Lebanon (Stalingrad on the Med) to use as a base with which to attack Israel and the Gulf States, plus Erdogan using it as a pretext to wipe out the Kurds, makes it a situation that demands some level of attention on our part.

On the other side of the coin, the rebels fighting against Assad are essentially ISIS and Al Qaeda (or what's left of them). Do we really want to get into bed with them? Honestly, this entire thing is an abject catastrophe, and mostly of Obama's and Hillary's making. And with the eager participation of everyone's hero John McCain. To quote Daniel Greenfield:

Obama empowered ISIS and Iran next door to Syria. Then he empowered Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda militias in Syria. And then he finally empowered Iran, Assad and Russia in Syria.
If he had set out to cause as much death and devastation as possible in Syria, he couldn't have done any more damage without dropping nuclear bombs or his campaign propaganda on its major cities.

Every major terror player in Syria was empowered by Obama's terrible decisions.

There is/was ample evidence to more than just suggest that Chris Stevens wittingly or unwittingly was Obama's man in Libya who was running guns to these "rebels" in Syria when their spiritual (if not actual) allies in country attacked them on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2012. While I am extremely concerned about the potential that Syria has to become a flashpoint for a nasty regional conflict, I am equally concerned about expanding our presence there. The fact that McCain's Renfield, Lindsay Grahamaphrodite wants us involved is what we call in the business a "tell." And McCain has come out of his coma long enough to, get this, lay some of the blame on the President for the gas attack. I hope the new national security team of Bolton, Pompeo and Haspel have the answers here. And remember; Putin helped Trump rig the election because he wanted a US president in office that would decrease the value of Russian oil by expanded drilling and send in the American military to pound his client and his own forces in Syria. Yup. Collusion all over the place.

Moving along, as a wave of knife attacks has been sweeping across London, the city's mayor Saddiq Khan has got the answer: knife control! I know we have problems but England is seriously screwed.

The President has announced the end of Obama's disastrous "catch and release" program with illegal aliens, despite the fact that he approved its funding in that spending bill a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, Sooper-Secret Sleeper AG Lemmon 714 has announced a zero tolerance policy for first-time border jumpers.

And speaking of muh collussonzz, Mark Meadows is saying that impeaching Rod Rosenpenis is a possibility. It should be a very high probability; talk is cheap, Mr. Meadows.

Domestically, there is quite a bit that the President and his administration have accomplished to cheer about. Among them, he's cut 21,000 Federal government jobs while enacting polices that have added tens of thousands more in the actual economy, despite the talk of a trade war with the Chi-Coms and the concomitant market dump, he's doing the right thing in confronting them about their decades-long economic warfare against us (as well as military stance), and Scott Pruitt at the EPA is helping to gut the Marxist, anti-growth, anti-freedom policies coming out of there. Hence the reason he has been targeted for termination by the Democrat-Left as well as sadly (if not predictably) the cuck-servatives and RINO flunkies.

From hither and yon, Facebook has de-platformed Trump supporters Diamond and Silk for being "dangerous to the community." For speaking the truth, no doubt. And Chapstick-aquiddick Kennedy, is flapping his jism-lip about the need to regulate Facebook. He's actually planning for the government's backdoor seizure of the internet. Much as I hate socialist media, I do not want government regulating them. Better that Google and Amazon be broken up since it is they who have a virtual monopolistic lock on things.

The fire at Trump Tower that killed a man and injured others brought out the very best from the Left. David Crosby, the man with 5 livers (and counting) really is an abject lout. What he Tweeted will no doubt be his fate when he assumes room temperature. Something that hits close to home for me, a Marxist group is evidently trying to infiltrate Jewish summer camps so that their cadres can spew anti-Israel propaganda at the campers. It shouldn't really surprise me that this would be happening but having fond memories of being a camper, counselor and director at Jewish summer camps, this just disgusts and saddens me deeply.

And lastly, we note with sadness the passing of the talented comedian and voice actor Chuck McCann at the age of 83. RIP.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Go here to read his links.

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