Friday, April 13, 2018

Lest we forget, Gestapo-like tactics,

JJSefton's Morning Report at Ace of Spades brings us links to the following stories.
Good morning kids. The weekend is here and what a week it's been. Isn't it strange that I seem to start off this column every Friday morning with those exact same words? In any case the big story remains the absolutely disgusting display of Robert Mueller, Rod Rosensteinpenis and soon-to-be-a-major-motion-picture James Comey. The big question is will the President fire the former two. As I have stated, I think it's a mistake despite being 100% justified after all we have seen lo these past 16 months. I think and hope this is what PDT will do. The more Mueller goes after more unrelated and trivial things from the President's past with which to try and take him down, and the more he does so with the Gestapo-like tactics he displayed with the midnight raid on Manafort's home and the engineering of the SDNY prosecutors to do his dirty work by raiding Michael Cohen's office, the more he looks like the petty thug that he is. For what it's worth, a recent poll (I forgot by whom) showed a majority of Americans believe Mueller is a petty thug.

And speaking of giant tits, Stormy Daniels' alleged hush money is not an in-kind campaign contribution according to the former chairman of the Federal Elections Commission. Meanwhile, Rich Lowery writing in the NY Post had this to say about Mueller and special prosecutors:

"...In his famous dissent in the Supreme Court case of Morrison v. Olson upholding the independent-counsel law in 1988, Antonin Scalia wrote, "Nothing is so politically effective as the ability to charge that one's opponent and his associates are not merely wrongheaded, naive, ineffective, but, in all probability, 'crooks.' And nothing so effectively gives an appearance of validity to such charges as a Justice Department investigation and, even better, prosecution."

Scalia relied heavily on a speech from FDR's attorney general, Robert Jackson. The future Supreme Court justice warned against prosecutors picking a person, not a crime, to investigate.

It's still worth quoting Jackson at length: "In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him. It is in this realm" - the ability to pick and choose targets - "that the greatest danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies..."

Lowery's cuck-servative pedigree as an acolyte of Kristol Blue Persuasion is naturally on display in the balance of his piece, but the pull quote still has cromulence to the situation.

On the political front, with the theatrics of Paul Ryno's departure as Speaker of the House (naturally delayed until next January because that's the kind of guy he is - a Chamber of Cucks stooge) the question of who will replace him comes into focus. Yes, the usual gang of traitors, flunkies and sellouts are logically next in line, including Eric Cantor sock-puppet Kevin McCarthy. That said, there is talk that Jim Jordan might be a dark horse candidate. I'm sure that won't be permitted to happen but it's nice to dream.

Mike Pompeo, who was already confirmed by the Senate in his previous role as head of the CIA was subject to the typical pornographic showboating and camera-hogging (heh) by the Democrats who attempted to smear him. The most risible comes from Cory Booker, the bald-headed stooge/goniff from New Jersey who bellowed at Pompeo - three times - does he think homosexuality is a perversion? Aside from the fact that Pompeo stood his ground masterfully, one wonders if Booker wanted to follow up with "what are you doing after the hearing, big guy?" Overcompensate we much? Meh. Poor man's Obama, and that's not saying a whole lot.

Meanwhile, as Mick Mulvaney - the anti-Cory Booker in every way, shape and form - beat the rhetorical crap out of both Max-Ob-Scene-Dirty Waters and Fauxcahontas about the CFPB, we are finding out that former head and socialist stooge Richard Cordray's handpicked successor, who has been successfully ousted but still persists at pretending to run the joint, spends her days on full government pay working, not to protect the finances of consumers but on her lawsuit against the President. By everything good, just and fair in this world this slag should've been given the heave-ho ages ago. Oh well, here's hoping Mulvaney is wrecking the place end to end, brick by brick.

And across town, Ajit Pai at the FCC told the Dems attempting to persecute Sinclair Broadcasting to go pound sand; they will not be "investigated" for exercising their free speech rights. Unlike the conservative law professor who attempted to give a lecture at CUNY here in DeBolshevik town, where the brownshirted Krylon hair brigades attempted to shout him down, but I digress.

Domestically, Tennessee has voted to defund Planned Parenthood and the President has announced a commission to investigate the US Postal Service in the wake of his recent confrontation with Amazon. California sinks further into the abyss with new laws set to completely hamstring police and a look at San Francisco's homeless crisis that perfectly encapsulates the failure of socialism writ large. And despite the staggering fraud reported with Medicaid the GOP is finally introducing a "Balanced Budget Amendment." "Balanced" having the same meaning as "Affordable Care" - the thing is an absolute lie wrapped in a fraud inside of a felony. Read it and weep. Or grab the tar and feathers.

Shifting to foreign policy, the President is huddling with his national security team to discuss what the response will be to the chemical weapons attack in Syria. There is a lot at stake here and it does require a response. I have faith that with minds like Bolton, Pompeo and Haspel, PDT is in good hands. Shifting gears, the President has alarmed conservatives and the base of his seeming backtrack on the Trans Pacific Partnership, but his qualifying statement about it makes me think it's dead in the water. We've seen this before with DACA and gun control so I'm not worried.

Lastly, yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day, and in Israel, the entire nation paused for two minutes of silent prayer to remember the over six million Jews murdered at the hands of the Germans and their collaborators. Just like our World War Two veterans, the last of the survivors are in their late 80s/early 90s and passing into history. And yesterday, I read that a shocking percentage of young people in this country have no idea what the word "Auschwitz" means. Considering what we are experiencing here in this country, and what is going on in Europe, we forsake the memory of the victims and those who fought and died for their freedom at our peril. Special thanks to the guys of the 11th Armored Division who liberated my family.
Go here to click on his links.

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