Saturday, April 14, 2018

Leaker Comey and Lying McCabe, Facebook's data harvesting, censorship from the tech giants

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch does not believe the FBI will recover from this scandal. Lou Dobbs believes it should not survive this level of corruption. Lying, manipulation of the media, controlled, selective leaks, shutting down the investigation of the Clinton Foundation money laundering.

The Obama administration harvested the data of nearly 200 million Facebook users during the 2012 presidential campaign with the full blessing of Mark Zuckerberg. 100 million more than Trump harvested in 2016. But no outrage at all from Left-wing media! Where are the Congressional hearings on that? They are six years late!

Is there a bigger fan anywhere of Donald Trump than Lou Dobbs?

Ann Coulter: "There is an internet now; the New York Times doesn't have the last word on your reputation any more! The censorship being done by Facebook, Twitter and Google's YouTube is more frightening than anything the government can do!

This program was aired before the attacks by the US, Britain and France on Syria's chemical weapons facilities. Lou's guest was Walid Phares, Fox News Middle East and terrorism expert, who said if Trump does not do something now, and get something from the Russians in return, Iran and Hezbollah and Assad will continue to expand and we will have to confront them later somewhere else, such as on the Jordanian border. Do not trust the Iranians!

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