Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kanye West says the mob can't make him not love Donald Trump! Hillary campaign laundered funds, Who is your champion?

Malignant Narcissism. Is that you? Your entire identity is based on your feeling superior. Instead of proceeding with awareness of one's own infallibility, Leftists proceed with a certainty of their own moral superiority, projecting all of their issues onto someone else (sexism, racism, homosexuality, for example). Tammy Bruce talks with Tucker about the sexual harassment scandal which the far Left Center for American Progress finds itself embroiled in. 19 current and former staffers claim they were victims of sexual harassment. Tammy points out how those on the Left try to convince minorities, women, and gays they are your champions when the opposite is true. Those champions continually malign conservative policies that allow individuals to be personally empowered and individually free and financially independent. Those are the policies that get besmirched by the champions on the Left when those are the policies that improve people's lives!

Campaign Finance Legal expert Cleta Mitchell joins Tucker to discuss the illegal laundering of campaign contributions engaged in by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Donations were pretended to be sent to the state Democratic parties, but they were not. A brazen scheme and it's all in the public record. Even the New York Times and Washington Post could find it if they wanted to!

The Left is having a hard time convincing Americans to give up their guns. So now Leftist activists have turned to personally targeting advocates of gun rights. Including their families and children. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry of Lincoln, Nebraska has been victimized twice. Who did it? University of Nebraska faculty members, among others!

Mark Roosevelt of St. Johns College in Santa Fe was a guest. Their students read 200 books by the time they graduate. They don't have majors! "We don't think that life breaks down into majors (only 20% of college graduates get jobs in their majors).

Jason Whitlock encourages the NFL owners to make rules the players must follow, including patriotism at the beginning of games!

Kanye West says the mob can't make him not love Donald Trump! Jason Whitlock reminds us that in all things, competition is good. There is no competition for the black vote!

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