Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kabuki theater, Mueller witch hunt, Iran may be the key to neutralizing Syria, Who will replace Ryan?

JJ Sefton has to self redact at the end of today's Morning Report at the Ace of Spades blog.
Good morning kids. This Thursday sees the continuation of the kabuki theatre performance of Mark Zuckerberg in front of Congress. The only "scandal" vis a vis Cambridge Analytics and "stolen" user info is that Team Trump was able to use the data, completely legally just as Obama had done four years earlier (actually, Facebook had their own office within the White House for all intents and purposes at that time). And for that, Zuckerberg is to be shunned in the eyes of the rabid Leftist base. But as I and others have stated, Zuckerberg is hot and horny to have Facebook regulated by the government since the government is perpetually Leftist no matter who is President. The fact that Elon Musk is calling for the regulation of social media to stop "fake news' is, the tell. What no one can answer is who gets to decide what constitutes "fake news" and "hate speech?" And we all know the answer to that one. But evidently Zuckerberg couldn't which caused an embarrassing 10 seconds of deer-in-the-headlights for the billionaire twerp.

And all of the above is an offshoot of the Mueller witch hunt against the American People and their President. As discussed last evening, the DoJ finally released some of the documents that Congress had been demanding but only to investigators and still partially redacted. I guess it would be somewhat embarrassing to reveal Obama and Hillary engineered this entire charade to sabotage PDT. So the question remains on whether or not to fire Mueller as well as Rosensteinpenis and Wray. Despite it being the right thing to do legally and morally, would it be politically damaging to do so? My gut says the latter. Firing Mueller makes him a martyr and gives the Dem-Leftist-Media complex and the Cuck-RINO Cohorts the excuse to derail the President and move to impeach him should they regain control of Congress come November. Leave him where he is to bedew his craggy face with flop-sweat as he goes after anything, everything and everyone other than "Russian collusion" to find anything that can be used to take out PDT. And this is why Mueller had his flunkies in New York's Southern District raid Michael Cohen's office - and as linked to find evidence relating to that idiotic Access Hollywood tape! Unfortunately, as we have seen with Mike Flynn, Mueller has no qualms about destroying peoples' lives. That's why the President should just right now issue a blanket pardon to anyone Mueller may go after and then take to Twitter and hold press conferences to expose this insanity. The thing to keep top of mind is that all of this is aimed at us, not just the President.

And while PDT has to deal with this, we have the potential for military action in Syria. As I have stated, Assad as well as the Russians and Iranians need to be smacked down and hard. The problem is how to do that without a) allying yourself with ISIS and b) putting US boots on the ground in-country; an option I do not want to see happen. As Michael Ledeen points out, Iran is the key to neutralizing Syria. And, although the uprising is out of the headlines, the people want the mullahs gone and as reported yesterday, Iran's currency is falling faster than a gay guy off a 20-story roof. So that country is the pressure point that could neutralize Syria, as well as Hezbollah; and that defuses a potential conflict between Israel and Iran that could quickly escalate to serious "hair-mussing" status.

Back on the domestic side, both Scott Pruitt and Mick Mulvaney are taking a lot of flak from the usual quarters. Pruitt is actually receiving death threats (funny because I thought Lefties hated guns) as he wields a rhetorical axe and sledgehammer to the EPA, and Mick Mulvaney doing the same to the anti-Constitutional CFPB. Did you see him verbally manhandle ObScene Waters the other day? Totally schooled her about the roles of the Executive and Legislative branches while she just belched out stupidity and abuse at him. What a c**t. Meanwhile Keith "X" Ellison is accusing Mulvaney of impropriety and lack of transparency because he, get this, had his office windows frosted. Doesn't he have better things to do, like find out how the Jooz control the weather?

On the political front, in the wake of Paul Ryno's retirement announcement, the question is who will replace him? Can I hope we have a shot at someone like Mark Meadows? My ideal choice is Go-Go Gohmert but that's a pipe-dream. And I saw somewhere that Ryno is not going off into the sunset to be with his kids; scuttlebutt is that he may be considering a run at the White House. The rest of my thought is self-redacted.
Go here to see his links for today's reading.

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