Sunday, April 15, 2018

How would you like to be colluding with Russia? Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House!

Six times. That's how many times Russia vetoed efforts to address Syria's chemical weapons in the Un Security Council!

Russia warned of retaliation, but did nothing. How does that make Syria and Iran feel about Russia?

The Mullahs, according to Dr. Gorka, are more dangerous than groups like ISIS and al Qaeda!

Iran's economy is not in great shape.

A Syrian man who was tortured three times by the Assad regime is a guest. He finally escaped. "All we got from the Obama administration were speeches and promises."

Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House!

Comey: I don't know if the dossier is true or not (yet he used it to get the FISA warrant to spy on Americans associated with Trump!)

Diamond and Silk want to know why Comey didn't write about Hillary and Obama.

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