Friday, April 20, 2018

Holder: the most dangerous miscreant

JJ Sefton's Morning Report from Ace of Spades:
Good morning kids. Here comes the weekend and I want to start off with arguably the most radical and hence most dangerous miscreant to have been a part of the eight-year Obama reign of error. Eric Holder's disdain for America as founded, its institutions, traditions and most crucially its people was palpably detectable every time he opened up his pie-hole to blood-libel or otherwise smear the aforementioned.

Obviously alarmed that after having elected a man who is attempting damage control from what he and his boss have wrought, he is now making moves that seem to indicate he wants a shot at 2020. Of everyone in that movement, I cannot think of a more dangerous, twisted candidate that the Leftists could field. And considering who and what occupies that party, that's saying something. A racist and racialist since his days at Columbia University (he led an illegal occupation of its ROTC Center and renamed it after Malcom X), he was involved in the Marc Rich Pardon, the Gestapo-like seizing of Elian Gonzales, the refusal to prosecute the slam dunk case against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation in 2008, his concocting a massive gun-running operation to Mexican criminals in the hopes of fomenting violence which would lead to the end of the Second Amendment (it only ended the lives of Brian Terry and countless others), was held in contempt of Congress and in his position as the nation's top cop, weaponized law enforcement to go after enemies of Obama and the Leftist movement, culminating in the Deep State coup against PDT and We The People.

Part of me hopes that he does run, given a record of abject criminality that is somewhere in the realm of insurrection and treason. He is part and parcel of the Obama regime that got Trump elected. Then again, out of everyone in that field, Holder does not come off as a drooling, whiney, paste-eating loon. And that makes him dangerous. It would be nice if what is being revealed from Comey, McCabe et al redounds onto this execrable, fish-faced enemy enema of the people.

And that segues us right into the top story which is the release of the Comey memos. So far, the memos show he leaked the memos in the first place to prompt the special counsel, the letter from the DoJ to Congress suggests at least part of the memo was classified, the DoJ evidently lied about the importance of the memos, none of them even hint at obstruction, Comey had it in for PDT and shielded Obama and Clinton and Comey defended McCabe to the hilt - and now the latter faces indictment.

As we all know, the Deep-State protects its own, and many here are right to expect McCabe to get nothing more than a slap on the wrist, at worst. We shall see. In any case Rudy Giuliani has joined PDT's legal team and he is going to go to the mattresses and try to pressure Mueller to shut this shitshow down. Something I doubt he will do since it is a political stunt that the Dems and RINOS are sure to oppose so as to cause as much damage to the midterms, and hence the agenda all the way to 2020.

On the immigration front, a rogue judge on the 7th Circuit has hampered PDT's efforts to have ICE agents round up illegal aliens already imprisoned and send them back to their shit-holes of origin. Why (rhetorical question)? There's a great essay at City Journal about the 50th anniversary of one of Britain's most famous speeches, given by Maggie Thatcher's mentor, dealing with the perils of unchecked migration. And also, it seems that the sane part of California has had it up to the gills with the sanctuary garbage. Something's gotta give in the Golden State so that the golden part can be free of the "shower" part.

And speaking of sanctuary, check out what one county in Illinois did; it declared itself a sanctuary county... from the rest of the state vis a vis gun control. Brilliant! Hit the left right in the Alinskys.

On the international scene, in the wake of Cuba's recent "election," the AP beclowns itself, Romania is doing the right thing and following Americas lead vis a vis Israel and Korea's leaders on both sides of the 38th parallel have set up a hot line in advance of their summit.

Closer to home, with growing unrest in the House GOP, Paul Ryno is maneuvering to have an establishment stooge remain in control after he ankles, and amid the rumors of a Blue Wave, Democrat Heidi Heitkamp is nonetheless scared enough to actually buck the party and endorse Mike Pompeo.

From hither and yon, two Florida cops were ambushed and killed at a Chinese restaurant late yesterday afternoon, while the assailant evidently killed himself at the scene. No word on his identity. Prayers for the victims and their families.

Meanwhile, a black conservative comedian punked a Starbucks into giving him "reparations coffee," the sub-moron DC councilman who thought the Jews controlled the weather visited the Holocaust Museum with predictable results, and finally Natalie Portman wins the self-hating-Joo-of-the-year award.
Click on his links here.

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