Saturday, April 21, 2018

High holiday for pot smokers, Comey's mess, the passing of Barbara Bush

Greg on the Comey mess: The Left hasn't been this unhappy since the Berlin wall fell! Every time they think they have found a smoking gun, they get a flaming bag of dog poo on their front porch, and they step right into it!

Rachel clearly shows how Comey is not a straight shooter!

Dana Perino reports from Houston on the passing of Barbara Bush and has some good things to say about people who commit themselves in marriage. Barbara was "frank, but not judgmental."

A Fresno State professor has vile things to say about Barbara and brags that she has tenure so cannot be fired for expressing her vile hatred. Jesse reminds us that Ward Churchill thought tenure was iron-clad, and he got fired.

Yesterday was a high holiday for pot smokers. Chuck Schumer seems to believe that one way to solidify the Democratic base is to pass a new federal law to decriminalize marijuana. Greg supports that move. He gets angry at Rachel and suggests that the best thing a parent can do is make marijuana usage boring, so it loses that edgy reputation. Rachel and Greg differ as to whether marijuana is a gateway drug.

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