Tuesday, April 10, 2018

He wants me to be safe. Isn't that sweet?

Here is the livestream of Zuckerberg answering questions from Senators. I skipped over most of it until the two hour 13 minute mark, when Senator Cruz asked him, "Do you consider yourself a neutral public forum?

Zuckerberg: We consider ourselves to be a platform for all ideas.

Cruz: Let me ask the question again. Do you consider yourself a neutral public forum? Representatives of your company have given conflicting answers on this.

Zuckerberg: We do not allow anything that makes people feel unsafe in the community.

Cruz: It's a simple question. I'll ask it again. The predicate for Section 230 immunity under the CDA is that you are a neutral public forum. Are you?

Zuckerberg still does not answer, so Cruz tells him that a great many Americans are concerned that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in bias and political censorship.

Cruz then ticks off a list of 8 or more examples of Facebook bias against conservatives.
Zuckerberg admits that Silicon Valley is an extremely Left-leaning place!
Cruz mentions Diamond and Silk being taken down, and asks if he is aware of taking down anything from Planned Parenthood or Move On.org.
Zuckerberg: I'm not.

Cruz: How about any Democratic candidate for office?

Zuckerberg: I'm not specifically aware...I mean, I'm not sure.

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