Monday, April 09, 2018

End of History

Have you watched Diamond and Silk videos? They are a kick! Facebook, however, found them to be "unsafe to the community!"

Ace of Spades adds,
After pleading their case on Fox and Friends this morning, this unappeable Social Justice Warrior decision is actually being reconsidered by FaceBook, FaceBook now says.

Facebook is reconsidering classifying videos produced by Diamond and Silk, two of President Donald Trump's most ardent supporters, as "unsafe to the community" after the dynamic duo went on Fox News' morning show asking why the embattled social media giant had labeled them as such.
In a statement to Fox News, a Facebook spokesperson said: "We are aware of this issue. We are reaching out to the creators of Diamond & Silk to try and resolve this matter."
I wonder if FaceBook is reconsidering this due to their appearance before Congress this week.

The left has decided that it is the End of History, and that all those who dissent with the identity politics left (with its officially approved and mandated racisms, sexisms, and genderisms) are to be eradicated, at least from the public square.

At least that much -- at first that much.

And meanwhile, the right's ahem intellectual leadership class whines only about their own prospects of working as token conservatives for the leftist machine.
Read more here.

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