Thursday, April 26, 2018

Dr. Jackson drops out of contention for V.A. job

The first segment was about the conviction today of Bill Cosby. Kimberlee, who I have grown to respect more and more, does an excellent job of explaining the process.

The second segment was about the Admiral Trump had appointed to run the V.A. deciding to drop out of contention. Once again Kimberlee is eloquent on the matter. Juan, of course, cannot resist arguing with her. Greg points out that if you are being nominated and you are a Republican you face two against one odds (media and Democrats on one side). Dana has known Dr. Jackson for years and is very fond of him. Additionally, she points out that under the leadership of Mitch McConnell 19 people got confirmed today!

Greg has some things to say about the Kanye West situation. He notes how Hollywood and the media lecture us on diversity and bullying, but when it comes right down to it they are groupthink enforcers intolerant of individuality! It is the curse (again) of identity politics which puts the group before the person. Also behind their mockery is the fear that their target of mockery might be onto something! When someone dares to be different in a way that comes with a cost, you either reevaluate your own choices or seek to silence him or her. Juan does his thing criticizing all the rest of the panel. This time, though, Kimberlee attacks him calling him myopic! You go, girl! "I stick up for people's rights to express themselves and individuality," she replied to his confrontation.

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