Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Chutz-pocrisy, An end to the Korean War? Trouble in Socialist Paradise, Indoctrination mills

JJ Sefton's Morning Report at the Ace of Spades blog:

Good morning kids. Midweek already and kudos to the pilot of the that Southwest Airlines jet for her skill and calmness under pressure in bringing the plane in safely. Sadly, one passenger died but it could have been much worse.

In the lead is the absolute chutz-pocrisy on display by the usual suspects in the propaganda mill about Sean Hannity, which is not only a nothing-burger since Hannity is not an official journalist but a pundit (though he is far and away more of a journalist in the true sense of that word than anyone in the MFM) and the more salient point to remember is that we wouldn't even be talking about this were it not for Robert Mueller's near year-and-a-half long Deep-State-sponsored witch hunt to overthrow the President. That said, Rush Limbaugh took virtually his entire show to unpack the conflicts of interest that are part and parcel of not only the Media-Government complex but with the players who are sitting in judgment of this President. Not least of which is Kimba Wood - a Democrat judge, ally of the Clintons who officiated Nazi collaborator George Soros' wedding, and who outed Hannity as Michael Cohen's client for no other reason than to destroy him. In the process, she almost just singlehandedly destroyed the status of attorney-client privilege. Disgraceful is too mild a word. In any case, listen to Limbaugh or read the transcript of the show (linked up top). When you see all of the names in black and white, it's kind of staggering.

Meanwhile, the somewhat disturbing news that Nikki Haley's underling is a big Never-Trumper and a Zuckerberg open borders booster. What the hell? That said, she did endorse Dondi in the Florida primary but she has been stellar at the UN (despite the reported spat with Larry Kudlow over China). At least a rare moment of sanity has prevailed with the GOP who are refusing to bring the blatantly illegal bill to protect Mueller from being fired up for a debate.

Moving along to the international front, first there are reports that Secretary of State Pompeo actually held a secret meeting with Whoa, Fat! just this past Easter and there is also a very surprising report that both the North and South are planning to meet to officially end the Korean War. I am obviously very wary of anything coming out of the North, given the history, especially the utterly failed diplomacy appeasement of Clinton, Dubya and Obama. That said, if this does pan out it would be one of the most significant foreign policy achievements of any President since Ronald Reagan won the Cold War and liberated Eastern Europe from Soviet domination. Here's hoping.

On the political front, the Koch Brothers are going to dumping millions into an ad campaign promoting, get this, Amnesty and open borders. Talk about lawyers having one client. The GOP has only one constituent - the Chamber of Commerce. Time for the NRA party, but that's another story. Meanwhile, Mitch McKochbrother is trying to sabotage a conservative candidate in West Virginia and install a flunky while the Democrats in the Senate are hitting the campaign trail early, and leaving a number of PDT nominees in the lurch. Meh. Recess appointments.

And speaking of Democrats, there is trouble in socialist paradise. Cynthia "Tricky Dick-Less" Nixon just got the endorsement of the barely concealed Marxist "Working Families" Party over Andrew Cuomo. It's a big deal in the State since they attract a significant number of minority voters and it's not coincidentally Bill DeBolshevik's center of power.

On the economic front, teh Ted is leading the charge to make the Trump tax cuts permanent, and yet severe conservatism has led to $4.47 trillion in spending and debt.

As we all know, and has been a pet alarm bell if you will of mine, the indoctrination mills that are our schools are front and center with a report of the latest AP American History book being about what you'd expect in content; that is virtually a screed against Judeo-Christianity, western civilization, Caucasoids, America as founded and the truth. Also, it turns out that Obama's school discipline rules (which resulted in 17 deaths in Parkland, FL) created their own disparate impact in that minority students were allowed to run wild in the halls because, racism. I know I'm hocking a tchainik but taking back our schools and our children has got to be the prime, long-term unwavering mission if we really are to save America from turning into a nation of Camera Hoggs in every corner of society. Because that will be the death of our society.

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