Saturday, April 14, 2018

Banks using their financial clout to subvert and undermine a constitutionally protected civil right.

Ben Marquis writes at The Conservative Tribune,
There has been a concerted effort by the left in recent months to undermine the Second Amendment through strict gun control legislation.

However, new legislation is not the sole focus of the gun grabbers. They have also launched attacks on gun manufacturers and gun owners via the corporate world.

According to The Washington Times, Bank of America announced Tuesday that they would no longer conduct business with any firearms manufacturer that produces and sells “military-style” weapons for civilian use.

That means the second-largest banking firm in the United States will drop Remington, Sturm Ruger and Vista Outdoors, and will refuse to provide financial services to any other manufacturers of such weaponry.

That announcement came from BoA vice chairman Anne Finucane during an interview with Bloomberg TV, which coincidentally is owned by billionaire gun control financier and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Bank of America will no longer extend loans or underwrite securities for manufacturers that continue to produce and sell “military-style” firearms like the ubiquitous AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and others modeled after it.

“It’s our intention not to finance these military-style firearms for civilian use,” stated Finucane, who added that her firm has had “intense conversations over the last few months” with firearms manufacturers to let them know they will no longer be doing business with them.

Asked about the reaction the firm received from those manufacturers upon learning the news, Finucane said it has been “mixed.”

...USA Today noted that, aside from the corporations that had already cut ties with the National Rifle Association, Bank of America now joins Citigroup and Amalgamated Bank in using their corporate power against the gun industry.

Citigroup recently announced they would no longer do business with retailers that sold firearms to anyone under the age of 21, or any retailer that sold bump stocks or “high-capacity magazines” to anyone at all. Amalgamated Bank announced they will no longer invest any assets “in companies that manufacture or distribute firearms, weaponry or ammunition.”

...This is nothing short of an assault on the Second Amendment, gun manufacturers and gun owners by the increasingly liberal corporate America — a despicable effort to use their financial clout to subvert and undermine a constitutionally protected civil right.
Read more here.

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