Monday, April 16, 2018

A ping pong game of lower and lower degradation, Controlling the narrative

The media implodes over the bombing of Syria's chemical weapons facilities. The worst implosion was on the right with Alex Jones of InfoWars.

Andrew claims that Comey "stooped to Trump's level." But he believes Trump's governance has been fine.

"Only the right is expected to be civil." If the rules are that Trump has to be faithful to his wife, not lie, always have honor, then those rules have to be applied equally to Barack Obama who lied about the IRS scandal, and Bill Clinton who was not a good standard of faithfulness, and Hillary Clinton's fronting for Bill Clinton has to come home to roost.

The press is only playing for one side in this ping pong game.

Nixon said in his farewell speech, "The people who hate you cannot destroy you unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself!"

In 2003 James Comey was Deputy Attorney General. He appointed a Special Counsel to investigate the Valerie Plame scandal. The press hated George W. Bush (when he was president). They thought they had him. Valerie Plame was a covert CIA operative. She was married to Joseph Wilson, who was a former diplomat. Wilson went on a fact-finding mission to investigate whether Saddam Hussein was trying to get uranium from Niger. He comes back from Africa and writes an op-ed in the New York Times saying "Absolutely not!" Therefore, one of the reasons given by the Bush administration for the Iraq War was "not true." Turns out, the op-ed was not true! Saddam Hussein was trying to get uranium from Niger! Robert Novak, writing in the Washington Post, mentioned that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA, and it became a big scandal. Comey appoints a special counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald. Who leaked the information about Valerie? It was Richard Armitage of the State Department. Scooter Libby was Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney. They got Libby on a procedural crime of making conflicting statements to investigators. Bush did not pardon Libby. Eleven years later Donald Trump got justice for Scooter Libby.

Andrew's final segment is Our Crappy Culture. It featured Cory Booker asking Mike Pompeo if being gay is a perversion. Pompeo believes in treating everyone under his supervision with respect, despite his personal religious belief resulting in opposition to gay marriage. The press backs Booker. Going after a person for his religion is unconstitutional!

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