Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Trump expels scores of Russian spies. Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels continues to have large breasts, so let's get back to talking about her!"

Russia has no ideology. Putin just wants his power. What do Americans believe? Do we have an ideology?

Andrew shows a clip of Barack Obama in Japan talking about how people used to have just three choices for whom to watch for news. Then along came cable and then the internet. Now people can choose someone who shares their view of the world. I guess he sees that as a bad thing. Andrew says the question should be: are there going to be sovereign nations and what rules are the globe going to follow? Barack says what we need is millions of little Barack Obamas doing Barack Obama things! Elite expertism! This worldview says, your God does not exist, your women are not women and men are not men, you don't have free will, you don't need a job, just take these drugs and you'll feel happier.

The voters sent a flawed man to the White House because they could not get the attention of all the little Barack Obamas!

Andrew's guest is a woman who wrote a book entitled Target Africa: Ideological Neocolonialism in the 21st Century. She is an African who is alarmed by those who give aid and push abortion, yet encourage sexual experimentation as they give school children condoms. Obama greatly expanded aid to Africa through USAID and also UN programs expanded. The President of Uganda said no, we will teach the importance of fidelity and abstinence and turn to condoms only if those first two are not successful. They greatly reduced the incidence of HIV AIDS. But, Obama persisted, paying for huge billboards advertising condoms.

We African woman love men! Our husbands and sons are important. We don't want fatherless children! Western feminism is anti-male, very toxic! The western feminists fund angry women that reflect western feminism.

Of the 54 African countries, only four have legal abortion! Guess who is pushing for legal abortion? Yep, you guessed it: International Planned Parenthood! One of Trump's first acts was to defund International Planned Parenthood (although the latest budget omnibus bill has money for Planned Parenthood, but not the International Planned Parenthood).

Holy week thoughts from Andrew. His way of looking at the Bible is that the Bible is the book God wants us to read to learn about Himself. Still, it is a book written by men, filtered through the personal experience of humans. The Law was built on the first two commandments: love God and love your neighbor, because he was made in the image of God.

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