Thursday, March 22, 2018

Today's news

John Sefton at Ace of Spades writes by far the best summary of each day's news. Here is his summary of this morning's links.
Good morning kids. Thursday already and in the lead is the GOP not only hot and horny to waste $1.3 trillion dollars on yet another omnibus spending bill that greases the skids towards national fiscal suicide, but equally ready to screw over the President's agenda items in an effort to sabotage him and the 2018 elections. Another stopgap measure to prevent the non-catastrophe catastrophe of a government shutdown, and if it passes in the House on Friday, gives the Senate less than 24 hours to read and comprehend all 2,232 pages. Yup, just as the Founding Fathers had intended.

Some of the highlights include full funding for Cuck Schemer's Hudson rail tunnel while Palsi Pelosi is crowing that the bill is a Democrat victory because it severely limits border wall construction. Other juicy nuggets include full funding for Planned Parenthood as well as Sanctuary Cities. Well, at least Obamacare won't be bailed out. Except that Susan "Sahara C**t" Collins" is expecting McConnell to allow a floor vote for her amendment that includes now a $30 billion bailout. Problem is McConnell refused to allow a Luap the Lesser amendment the last time around and got roundly criticized for it, but that's another story.

Draining the swamp means not only getting rid of crooked politicians (BIRM). It means wiping out institutions, traditions and policies that led to the swamp in the first place. Chief among them is the spending and borrowing. As I said the other day, I don't give a damn about Steve Scalise's excuse that increased tax revenue justifies increased levels of spending. The size and scope of government is in direct proportion to the lack of freedom and prosperity of the individual citizen.

The voices of sanity, chief among them Dave Brat, are sounding the alarm bells and imploring the President to veto this crap. We gave him a mandate to stop the insanity and turn the ship of state around. Part and parcel of the Deep State forces arrayed against him is what they stand for, which is big, bloated, corrupt, unaccountable government. If you truly want to make America great again, Mr. President, you have to draw the line in the sand now and implement policies that fundamentally retransform this process, and thereby take the undeserved power out of the hands of the politicians and more crucially the bureaucrats and give it back to the people.

Speaking of McConnell, Mark Levin lit into him yesterday over the allegations in Peter Schweizer's new book "Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends" that he and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao have enriched themselves over the years by essentially taking bribes from the Chi-Coms for favorable treatment in Congress. Levin called for an investigation into the allegations and the removal of McConnell from his leadership position. Wake up Little Snoozy, wake up... Meh, I think the Senate Ethics Committee has to initiate this. Perfect; like asking Roman Polanski to investigate Harvey Weinstein.

In the Mueller witch hunt, former FBI bigwig Jim Kallstrom has all but accused John Brennan and Barack Obama himself of being behind the attempt to sabotage PDT while Louie "Go-Go" Gohmert, who despite the disarming drawl is one of the sharpest legal minds out there, is calling for Mueller to be fired and this shit-show shut down.

Moving to the immigration/amnesty scene, Leftists are demanding that cops don't arrest illegals for "petty" crimes so they can't be deported while surprisingly in California, there is a growing number of municipalities that are rejecting the state's sanctuary city law. Looks like those who want to break away from the coast and form their own state might have some momentum if the Moonbeam and the Moonbats attempt to punish them for flouting the law. The irony; it cuts like a chalupa. Rounding out the links are Ann Coulter swinging her things at PDT for DREAMER-coddling and TuCa rips into the San Francisco DA over the latter's dissembling on the revelations of massive identity theft by illegal aliens.

Looking to this November, Chris McDaniel ripped the Mississippi establishment over its picking a supposedly ex-Democrat to fill Thad Cochran's vacated Senate seat, the unstoppable Democrat blue wave is so mighty and unstoppable that it had to borrow another nearly $2 million to its dried up coffers while Hillary's pie-hole might not only sink Clare McAsshole's re-election bid but could also prove disastrous for the party as a whole, if played right by the GOP. And that is a big "if" all things considered.

Lastly, as the mind-numbed cadres of the Left go after one of its erstwhile favorites, Mark Zuckerberg says that he is open to allowing the government to regulate Facebook. And to my way of thinking that is exactly the wrong thing to do for a couple of reasons. 1) government should not be regulating anything, let alone what is a media platform, 2) considering the bureaucracy is for all intents and purposes controlled by the Left, it will never punish Facebook which is a fellow traveler and a vital propaganda arm, despite who may control Congress or the White House. Yes the schadenboner over the Left going after Zuckerberg is enjoyable, but what I would like to see is Facebook, Google and Amazon hit hard with anti-trust suits and then broken up, the way AT&T was back in 1984. There's no guarantee that the political leanings of even a few of the "baby 'Books" will change from their socialist mother, but at least the stranglehold would be broken and could pave the way for more conservative voices to enter the marketplace. Much like with the advent of talk radio.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Go here to read each of his links.

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