Friday, March 30, 2018

Stumbling on the miraculous; what direction are you traveling?

The media: Hogg is just a traumatized young person who can't be expected to behave or speak rationally, and should, therefore, be invited on every t.v. show to discuss the Second Amendment. Andrew thinks young Hogg should have to decide whether he is a damaged and confused young man who shouldn't be consulted about anything, or he's the leader of a movement and therefore open to criticism because you can't be both in the real world, (only on CNN). One political party using the tools of government against another political party.

The FBI has been slow-walking the production of documents that Congressional committees have asked for, and when they do forward the documents to the committees, the documents are full of redactions.

Professor Brian Clayton co-authored Two Wings; Integrating Faith and Reason. He says, if Christ be not risen, our faith is in vain. Miracles are woven into the whole story of God creating.

More meanderings from Andrew on Holy Week: Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion. Why do they call it good? Why did Jesus have to die? You cannot fix history. You can only live in history, and living in history is living in sin. Why? Because you are benefitting from the deaths of millions of people. Jesus embodied the overflowing love of God that becomes creativity, forgiveness. He was killed by the world. The world works to murder that life we are supposed to have. Truth will still get you killed in today's world. Decency, love, and forgiveness will still leave you behind. The resurrection was the statement by God that yes, history is on that train track of sin, but here is a door; turn toward it. When you turn toward the truth and the Life, you are going to suffer in the world. If you follow Jesus, you are going to take up a cross, but that gives you a fresh life, traveling away from that train track of sin. His death and resurrection are an invitation to you and me to step out of that history of sin into a new world of joy and freedom.

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