Friday, March 16, 2018

Students walkout, identity theft, male unemployment

Did you know Planned Parenthood was one of the organizers of this week's school walkout? Does that mean that it will be okay if some students want to walkout in protest of babies being aborted and having their body parts sold to the highest bidder? Tucker says kids should not be used to advance political agendas, because they are not old enough to have adult perspectives on complex issues.

A Cherokee genealogist looked into Elizabeth Warren's claim to be a Cherokee Indian. It looks like a clear case of identity theft.

Over ten percent of the prime age male workforce in America have dropped out and will never return to work. China's entry into the World Trade Organization destroyed over 2 million of those jobs. The jobs that are adding workers tend to be dominated by women. Men's wages are decreasing. Immigrants are taking many of the jobs formerly held by American men. When men's wages fall, families fall apart. When men's wages fall relative to women's wages, families do not form. When men's wages fall there is an increase in out of wedlock births.

David Paul Kuhn is a guest on the show. He says, first of all, we have to agree that it is a crisis. Imagine 90 NFL stadiums full of men missing in action.

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