Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Shutupery! "When seconds count, the police are minutes away!" Will Walmart ban Oreos? Why is there so much antiSemitism?

Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens wrote an op-ed in the New York Times, a former newspaper, recommending the repeal of the Second Amendment. Andrew's comment: "We at the Daily Wire feel that if a 97-year-old man, an eleven-year-old girl, a bi-sexual Communist sympathizer, and a googly teenage Nazi all agree Americans should give up their guns, we clearly need more guns. "When seconds count, the police are minutes away!"

Trump has shattered political correctness. There is a reason Facebook, Google and Twitter are trying to censor us; whenever we speak freely, we win, because our arguments are better than theirs!

YouTube defunding and restricting Dennis Prager's videos. Prager sued them, saying his First Amendment rights to free speech are being violated and also it is false advertising because YouTube said they were an open platform. The judge threw out his lawsuit saying that as a private business YouTube is not bound by the First Amendment. False advertising? The judge said all of the claims Youtube made about being open to diverse viewpoints were "mere puffery!"

The purpose of political correctness is to stop debate because conservatives win debates!

Another op-ed in the New York Times, a former newspaper, by a young woman who had tried to befriend Nikolas Cruz, but he still killed her friends. She writes that no amount of kindness from others would have deterred this rageful killer. Others narcissistically assume that if we change our behavior toward a madman, he will not persist in his ragefulness.

Trump refuses to acknowledge the Left's moral superiority. Walmart has banned Cosmopolitan, which Andrew says is a feminist piece of garbage which sells the most self-destructive trashy attitude toward sex. Why did Walmart ban it? Because of the #MeToo movement! I am guessing that Walmart's real reason for banning it is because it does not sell! Let's see if Walmart decides to ban Oreos! Not going to happen!

Are conservatives going to strike back and finally get into the culture? The movie Chappaquiddick is coming out, South Park won a prize and its creators said, "We are Republicans!" Roseanne is back as a Trump supporter.

It is mailbag day. One person asked why there is so much antiSemitism. In 70 AD the Jews had an uprising against the Romans, and the Romans crushed them. A tradition developed over the centuries that the Jew was the killer of Christ. Andrew says all of us would have killed Jesus because the Light of God shines so powerfully on our flaws. Instead of accepting that guilt it was easier to blame it on the Jews. Self-hatred being projected outward on the Jews! People hate Jews because they hate God, and they hate God because they hate themselves and God's light shines on you and shows you who you really are! The Jews introduced this God into our world, that we are sinful and fallen and we hate them for it. We punish ourselves for killing God and we blame the Jews!

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