Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Second Amendment rights, Red-greens, Kicking ass and taking names, Did PDT snooker Congress, drumbeat of violent rhetoric whipped up in the Democrat-Media-Academia complex

John Sefton, at Ace of Spades, gives us his summary of his morning links today.
Good morning kids. Tuesday is here and in the lead is the assault on not only our Second Amendment rights, and really every principle and tradition this nation was founded on, but I digress. Since time immemorial, every totalitarian regime and tyranny has relied on corrupting the minds of the youth to either attain or maintain power. For those with even the slightest understanding of history will recognize what the so called "March for Our Lives" is all about. Just as Hitler, Stalin and Mao used children as weapons against the family, society and traditions, so too have America's internal enemies. The Agitprop Media is touting these mind-numbed, indoctrinated stooges as the second coming of the 60s youth movement, G-d forbid. It was that generation that trashed our society and 50 years later we are desperately trying, perhaps in vain, to reverse the damage. I have a number of links about the real problem, which is the intentional familial/societal dissolution that is the root cause of what took those 17 lives at Parkland. It's easy to rip into David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez and the others. But the question that needs to be raised, and one which I have heard for years is where are the parents? And not just in these individual cases but in general? Of course Hogg and Gonzales are products of libbo/lefty homes, no doubt. But what frightens me is seeing a number of my peers, who I thought knew better or should know better, heaping praise on their children for participating in the marches. That to me is extremely disturbing. In another time and place, one not that long ago or far away, similar proud parents would one day wake up to find themselves denounced to the State by their children and hauled off in the night. And let's not kid ourselves; it could very well happen here.

Which leads me to something that is directly related; a Democrat candidate running for the House from sheriff of Buncombe County, North Carolina, an oleaginous, rotund mass of lipids that responds to the name of R. Daryl Fisher when called, had this to say about the Second Amendment at a campaign event:

"You've heard people say: 'You'll have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands.' Okay!"
I don't know what's more alarming; that this bi-pedal slug called for the killing of gun owners as a means to confiscate their weapons or that the reaction from the crowd was laughter and applause. When you put this together with the drumbeat of violent rhetoric whipped up in the Democrat-Media-Academia complex, the growing number and ferocity of verbal and physical acts of violence against conservatives and voices of dissent, not to mention the wholesale attempts to silence and exclude the latter from the public discourse, then you've got yourself the makings of a situation. Taken all together, I can think of no better argument for the Second Amendment.

Moving along to the Amnesty/Immigration front, the question of citizenship is back in the census and the mouthpieces for the invaders are going ape. Xavier Becerra, the attorney general for the California Territory says, get this, it's illegal to ask people if they're citizens on a census. Of course he's planning on suing and no doubt Judge Punchy Macadamia Molokai Leper will order it stopped, since he of course is the big kahuna and will throw you into Kilahuea if you disobey. In all seriousness, some leftist said that by putting that question in the census, it will deter "undocumented immigrants" (puke) from answering, and thus lead to an undercounting of them and a loss of Congressional seats. Really? Do tell!

On the political front, the President's approval numbers were up significantly last month, and that was from a CNN poll. True, it was from last month and it was before he signed the Omnibus. But by all indications, he still remains popular with the base despite the Stormy Daniels sturm-und-drang and perhaps even the Omnibus, but that will have to wait until polling comes out on that. In any case, despite my and others' big disappointment, it seems that the target of most folks' ire seems to be with the GOP establishment and McConnell. Speaking of that crook, check out an interesting interview with Rep Tom Massie of Kentucky about "the rules" in the House as well as the Senate that stifle dissent and the will of the people. Maybe he can be drafted to primary McYertle? KY morons please weigh in. Also, Rush weighed in on the Omnibus and the possibility that PDT snookered Congress into passing something that might actually fund the Border Wall.

Internationally, the President is kicking ass and taking names. John Bolton at the NSC is scaring the crap out of all the right (wrong) people, the Chi-coms evidently blinked because of the tariffs and he kicked out 60 Russians in retaliation for the nerve agent attack in the UK. And see the links about how along with spying, forgery, thievery bribery and subpar kung pao, the Chinese have been gaining on us because we have been educating their tech innovators (and not in social justice lesbian poetry of the Incas) and how the Russians infiltrate activist-enviro groups as a way to sabotage our energy production via social(ist) media. Red-Greens indeed.

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