Friday, March 16, 2018

Mueller probe, FISA-gate, Kim Jong Un,

Wow! Stuart Varney is in for Lou Dobbs tonight, and he is just as good as Lou!

Sebastian Gorka: We have never before in our country had one political party finance a Russian propaganda campaign. That oppo research was used by corrupt officials in the FBI and Justice Department to justify the FISA warrant allowing American citizens to be spied upon.

Congresswoman Martha McSally is running for Jeff Flake's open Senate seat in Arizona. She is clearly an improvement over Flake.

Fred Fleitz of the Center for Security Policy comments about the fact that Kim Jong Un has not responded to Trump's willingness to have a diplomatic summit.

$12 million dollars and one year into the Mueller probe, and Mueller is still fishing. Mark Simone says Trump needs to reign in Mueller.

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