Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Chinese spacecraft hurtling toward Earth

Charlotte Ikonen reports at The Daily Star,
China's Tiangong-1 space station is going to smash into Earth. And space boffins have revealed it has the highest chance of crashing into cities along a narrow strip around latitudes of 43 degrees north and south.

This includes a number of highly populated cities including New York, Barcelona, Beijing, Chicago, Istanbul, Rome and Toronto.

The doomed 8.5-tonne craft, which has been hurtling towards Earth since control was lost in 2016, is believed to contain dangerous hydrazine.

The Tiangong-1 spacecraft launched in 2011, with the aim of using the craft to set up a larger space station.

...Much of the spacecraft is expected to burn up in the atmosphere upon re-entry.

But owing to the station's mass and construction materials, there is a possibility that some portions of it will survive and reach the surface.

In the history of spaceflight, no casualties due to falling space debris have ever been confirmed.
Read more here.

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