Friday, February 02, 2018

What a week!

Before he brings us his links of the day, J.J. Sefton summarizes for us what is in them.
Good morning kids. The weekend is here and what a week it has been. I think I'm not exaggerating when I state that with the backdrop of one of the most outstanding State of the Union speeches in modern history at the beginning of an incredible economic boom, President Trump has wrested the issue of immigration from the Democrat Left while painting their party and its position on this as both out of touch with and dangerous to mainstream America. At the same time, by playing the media like a Stradivarius and not giving into the temptation to fire Robert Mueller, he has allowed both to expose each other as shams as well as doing the exact opposite of their original goals; portraying candidate and now President Trump as the victim of nefarious forces while exposing elements of the Democrat Party, the intelligence and law enforcement communities, our judicial system and perhaps Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the real traitors and threats to our republic. And now, the President is set to declassify and release the House Intelligence Committee's memo about the FISA warrant that led to this 13 month investigatory witch hunt to etch my previous statement into granite.


Ace's posts from most of yesterday get into the granular details of all of this, so it's worth re-reading them (but do not comment as you may get the autobahn-hammer) as well as a ton of links up front discussing both the memo's release, their potential legal implications to those mentioned, the naked, hypocritical politics surrounding the release on the part of the Democrat-Media complex as well as what this all means as far as the future of the FBI and restoring confidence in people and agencies that are charged with upholding the rule of law and not using their positions to usurp same and oppress the citizenry. It's also worth noting that as Monica Crowley IIRC mentioned, this memo is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more revelations coming from other sources that will completely unglue the already unglued Democrats faster than Palsi Pelosi's World War One surplus Dentu-Grip failed her crumby, novelty store wind-up teeth.

At the end of the day it's a good news/bad news kind of a deal; the good news is much of what I feared was going to happen to this President vis a vis being subverted and/or corrupted by the Deep State operatives, the Dems as well as the GOP-e has fallen by the way side as his incredible year one record has shown. The bad news is as the lies, smears and outright political sabotage going back to July of 2015 have failed (some of them quite spectacularly), it is rather frightening to contemplate what the cornered beast is next capable of. If the Left have taught us anything, they never give up. Beyond the rhetoric pumped out daily by mainstream media outlets that directly led to Ferguson, Berkeley, a GOP softball practice and I strongly suspect Mandalay Bay, we now have a Federal law enforcement agency that has had an almost mythical reputation for over 80 years about to be exposed as a partisan criminal gang (the honest agents and employees notwithstanding). These people are not going to take that lightly.

And as the Democrat-Left continues to flail away like replicant Pris after getting plugged by Deckard, their party is in political and financial freefall. Amidst reports yesterday that the DNC's campaign coffers were essentially bare, the intractable Schemer and Palsi are now under pressure from certain progressive circles to actually take PDT's DACA deal. Yesterday, the President admitted that the offer he made, as some of us suspected, was a ruse to expose their hypocrisy on this issue. At this point, he is in the driver's seat to make demands and get concessions from them - a first in my memory for a GOP president or congress - that could actually be acceptable to the base and immigration hawks. And if that is the case, you can bet that terrorist-linked turds like Luis Gutierrez will be in open revolt. Even more than Dubya or perhaps even Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump to them is worse than literally Hitler. Even if they were to be offered everything they wanted, how could they possible save face and accept the deal, thereby humanizing the President and destroying their own political credibility in the process. See: Arafat, Peace Process 2000. Pass the popcorn.

In other news, Fidel Castro's eldest son has left the socialist paradise on earth and offed himself (or is there a Fort Marcy Park somewhere in old Havana?), Democrat Attorneys General are on pace to hurl a record number of lawsuits at a sitting President, of all places Maine wants to actually lower its minimum wage, a Florida court has ruled the plan to give ex-cons (and certified Democrats) the vote is unconstitutional but the remedy is still uncertain, and finally two stories from the Shithole Department; one about what life is like inside a "temporary" refugee camp in Greece and how the utterly corrupt, incompetent socialist entity known as Los Angeles is swamped by a homeless problem it created and exacerbated. This is the same Los Angeles represented by such fine examples of ethics and morality as Maxine Waters, Brad Sherman, Ted Lieu and, of course, our very own Horde favorite pencil-neck Adam Schiff. "I love L.A.!... We Love It!"
Read his links here.

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