Saturday, February 17, 2018


Jonathan Turley: "Unwitting!" After a year and millions of dollars, there is still no evidence of anyone knowingly engaging with Russians!

Raj Shah: The Democrats have been doing the dirty work for the Russians in sowing chaos! The media and the Democrats making false claims: exactly what the Russians want them to push!

Carter Page is a guest!

Tammy Bruce on the FBI "malfeasance that contributed to the deaths of 17 people." "A deliberate decision was made not to follow up." No background check to see if he was buying firearms! Tammy believes FBI Director Wray should resign.

Even though the White House is willing to grant amnesty for about two million people, talks are breaking down in the Senate, where deals to do that were put forward. Many Senators are opposed to strengthening border security or ending the diversity lottery. The Left's desire to allow more immigrants to enter the country overpowered any interest to protect the "Dreamers" from deportation.

Meathead is the last guest. Tucker chides him for bowing to Chinese censorship of his movies. Tucker also asks him if he is embarrassed by his own tweets about Russian collusion. Tucker asked him if he was excited that Trump killed a bunch of Russians in Syria last week. After stuttering at length, Reiner said he doesn't have an opinion about that!

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