Thursday, February 01, 2018

The state of our disunion

Every day one of the first places I visit on the web is the Ace of Spades blog. JJ Sefton daily compiles a list of links and prefaces the links with a summary. Here is today's.
Good morning kids. Immigration and the Insurrection, and in some aspects, the interrelated nature of both continue to both dominate the headlines and crystalize the actual state of our union, or as I and many of us see it, disunion. As we dig down and get granular, you'll see just what I mean.

First up, that Hank Kimball-looking stooge Fake Jake Flapper-Tapper from the Communist Nabob Nitwits deigns to admonish us that the President's statement "Americans are Dreamers too," is offensive to Democrats. What he really means is that statement wrested control of the narrative and reframed the entire debate, painting the Democrats as dangerous to the nation as founded. Next up, the ACLU is offended that the President referred to America 80 times during his speech. Forgetting for a moment that this nation still is America and that the President is, in fact, the chief of state, and that the ACLU is an anti-American organization, the word "America" constitutes fully one-quarter of its name. Can they truly lack the self-awareness to a mind-bogglingly immense level or is it just naked America hate blinding them so completely?

Meanwhile, the DC Circuit Court, packed by Harry Reid as he was leaving town with hack Marxists to rubber stamp any and all of Obama's evil edicts with the fig-leaf of legality, has ruled that the CFPB, which in effect is an unaccountable politburo that rides roughshod over the entire banking system, is of course totally kosher. And then we have some friggin' nimrod in the Vegas coroner's office who is refusing a court order to release the autopsy report on Mandalay Bay mass murderer Paddock.

Add to this the defiance of so-called "sanctuary cities" in cooperating with law enforcement as well as the year-long kangaroo kourt and the efforts to sabotage and then overthrow a duly elected president and you've got yourself a situation. And that situation, which to me is now inescapable, is that upwards of one fourth to a third of this country, hates everything about it. Its history and heritage, both real and imagined, its people, culture and identity. Forgetting for a moment what they think about actual, tangible accomplishments; how the hell can anyone not acknowledge the grieving and suffering of parents whose children were brutally murdered by criminals, whether the latter were citizens or not? To do that is tantamount to killing those young girls all over again and spitting on their graves not only in front of their parents but on live television for all the world to see.

The behavior of members of the Democrat Party in that chamber on Tuesday night, and by those in the media-entertainment-agitprop complex that push their meme and agenda demonstrates in no uncertain terms that collectively they have at minimum renounced their citizenship and perhaps have declared open war on all of us. That being said, the Democrat Party and those on the Left can no longer be parlayed with (it's been that way for a very long time but it's now out in the open). They are, to me, now a criminal enterprise, and a not so subtle front group for others who seek the overthrow, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY of this republic. We laugh at Joe Manchin's reactions during the speech yesterday but it's a tell, and a frightening one at that. It is a harbinger of things to come and that business as usual, on so many levels, can no longer go on as before. I hope the President sees this and understands. In any case, I have several good links illustrating how what we saw on Tuesday is going to come back to haunt the Democrats come November and perhaps beyond. And that highlights what the war to take back our schools and the hearts and minds of your kids and grandkids is perhaps the most crucial long-term battle we face. Along with immigration, that is the other, less visible but equally important front in the race to save our national identity and soul.

Moving on, it looks as if the FISA memo is going to be released, perhaps today, and the Democrats are scrambling like mad to stop it. Sort of like a garbage truck trying to halt a passenger train. That said, it's ironic that now, when they are about to be exposed for the crooks and traitors that they are, the intelligence community is pleading with the President that it worked so feverishly to destroy to save their skins. That's the crux of yet another bookmark-worthy outing from the great Angelo Codevilla.

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