Monday, February 26, 2018

The Second Amendment

Are you upset at having to listen to traumatized teenagers screaming about gun control on the t.v. news? Don't worry, this is just one step in improving the news. Of course, you do have the option of turning off the t.v.!

Over the long term, narrative creates the atmosphere in which people think.

Andrew shows part of Brian Stelter's interview with a kid named David Hogg. Andrew's assessment of Hogg: "His arrogance is matched only by his ignorance. In other words, he is a teenager!" But the fault lies with the media, in this case CNN, for trying to use a teen to generate emotionalism.

Andrew makes this statement: "The media is owned by large corporations. All big corporations are in favor of big government." I wish to read more about that.

Michael Knowles is another person at The Daily Wire who has podcasts. He has been researching the history of gun control. He says the history of gun control is about disarming blacks. The earliest gun control measure occurred in Virginia. It was about taking guns from not only enslaved blacks, but free blacks as well. The KKK rose up only in the areas where courts did not protect Second Amendment rights of blacks. The KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Eventually gun control spread to include others whose civil rights Democrats wanted to take away, such as Italians in New York. Later it targeted jews in New York and Mexicans living in America. The purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect any American citizen against tyranny.

1946 The Battle of Athens in Tennessee. G.I.s returning from World War II cleaned up the town and chased the Democrats out.

The Second Amendment exists in case the government stops allowing the First Amendments and all of the other ones! Obama had the IRS silence his political enemies, he had the Justice Department spy on his political enemies, he had the State Department lie to the press to advance his Iran deal.

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